
DP Etiquette

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Saturday, August 8, 2020

Trump Propaganda Marches Sideways on Health Care

The president's propaganda is increasingly transparent lies, bullshit and questionable legality. Multiple sources are reporting that he is signalling he wants to sign an executive order (EO) requiring insurance companies to cover pre-existing health conditions. That requirement already exists under the Obamacare law, which the president and the GOP bitterly hate. Axios writes:
"The big picture: Even if this wasn’t already law, it’s unclear what authority the president has to unilaterally require insurers to cover pre-existing conditions. 
What he's saying: "Over the next two weeks I'll be pursuing a major executive order requiring health insurance companies to cover all pre-existing conditions for all customers," the president said."
Such an order might be illegal because it is not clear that a president has legal authority to order this. That the law already requires this may or may not make any difference to the legality of the EO.

It is beyond bizarre that the president had tried to get rid of the requirement to cover pre-existing health conditions. Now he lies to the public yet again by saying no such law law exists. The Hill writes:
"Trump claimed such a move "has never been done before," though insurance companies are already required to cover patients with preexisting conditions under the Affordable Care Act, which was enacted in 2010.

Despite Trump's insistence he will protect those with preexisting conditions, the Justice Department argued in a Supreme Court briefing in late June that the entire Affordable Care Act should be invalidated."  

That the president believes we are stupid enough to believe this ploy to do something that people like is a blatant insult. Why millions of people continue to support this corrupt, incompetent, chronic liar is beyond reason. It reflects raw tribalism and the shocking degree of blindness to reality that it can lead millions of people into falsely seeing.