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Friday, May 7, 2021

A corrupted federal commission protects the criminal ex-president from prosecution

The Federal Election commission has three Republicans and three Democratic commissioners. The commission decided in a closed-door meeting in February to not prosecute the ex-president. Two Republican commissioners voted to dismiss the case while two Democratic commissioners voted to move forward. There was one absence and one Republican recusal. The democratic "absence" is inexcusable.

Once again, our political system failed to vindicate and defend the rule of law and the American people.

The New York Times writes:
The Federal Election Commission said on Thursday that it had formally dropped a case looking into whether former President Donald J. Trump violated election law with a payment of $130,000 shortly before the 2016 election to a pornographic-film actress by his personal lawyer at the time, Michael D. Cohen.

The payment was never reported on Mr. Trump’s campaign filings. Mr. Cohen would go on to say that Mr. Trump had directed him to arrange payments to two women during the 2016 race, and would apologize for his involvement in a hush-money scandal. Mr. Cohen was sentenced to prison for breaking campaign finance laws, tax evasion and lying to Congress.

“The hush money payment was done at the direction of and for the benefit of Donald J. Trump,” Mr. Cohen said in a statement to The New York Times. “Like me, Trump should have been found guilty. How the F.E.C. committee could rule any other way is confounding.”

The Republican commissioners who voted not to proceed with an investigation, Trey Trainor and Sean Cooksey, said that pursuing the case was “not the best use of agency resources,” that “the public record is complete” already and that Mr. Cohen had already been punished.

“We voted to dismiss these matters as an exercise of our prosecutorial discretion,” Mr. Cooksey and Mr. Trainor wrote.
Note the idiotic excuses the republicans gave, prosecuting the ex-president is “not the best use of agency resources,” that “the public record is complete.” That is absolute incoherent, partisan traitor republican bullshit. The "absence" of the democrat for something this important is also treason. 

This exemplifies once again why I want regime change without republicans or democrats as major players. They had many chances to rule honestly and competently. They failed dismally and continue to fail dismally. The rule of law and civil liberties are under ferocious radical right attack and no major defense is on the horizon. The law is crumbling in the face of treasonous republican fascism and corruption and treasonous democratic complicity, dereliction of duty, incompetence and stupidity. 

Once again, the American people and the rule of law are screwed by our corrupt, treasonous ex-president, fascist republican thugs and clueless incompetent democrats.