
DP Etiquette

First rule: Don't be a jackass.

Other rules: Do not attack or insult people you disagree with. Engage with facts, logic and beliefs. Out of respect for others, please provide some sources for the facts and truths you rely on if you are asked for that. If emotion is getting out of hand, get it back in hand. To limit dehumanizing people, don't call people or whole groups of people disrespectful names, e.g., stupid, dumb or liar. Insulting people is counterproductive to rational discussion. Insult makes people angry and defensive. All points of view are welcome, right, center, left and elsewhere. Just disagree, but don't be belligerent or reject inconvenient facts, truths or defensible reasoning.

Friday, July 9, 2021

I say, do us all a favor… “Eat up!”

Other than one too many McDonald’s Big Mac Meals, I’m wondering what will finally put a stop to Trump’s negative political influence?

Barring his bad eating habits, or being sent off to prison (not gonna happen for many reasons), I believe the only other thing that will finally get rid of him is a landslide victory for the Democrats in 2022, followed up by another landslide in 2024 (granted, tough to do with all the latest voter suppression laws being enacted). 

Until Trump is a “losing” influence, he, like the Energizer Bunny, will keep going and going, keep getting more national media attention, and keep disrupting any kind of possible compromise between the two major political parties.

So, what do you think is the magic bullet (no pun intended 😉) to get rid of the current Trumpian influence?  I can’t think of anything else that will do it.  Can you?

Thanks for posting and recommending.