Fighting for the principles of freedom and democracy sounds noble in theory. But how about in fact?
Ukraine is experiencing this reality right now: Defending the principles of a democracy. Many are willingly laying down their lives to defend their country, in the name of precious freedom.
Shifting gears now to America/the U.S., and its love of freedom and democracy. Right now, it is said that <1% of the US population volunteers for military service, a pretty large chunk of which includes minority races and less fortunate members of America’s opulent society. It’s true, some may see the military as their only viable choice for advancement in life (with technical training and/or paid education, which can lead to future job opportunities, etc).
Though we so-called “know” it’s probably not possible, what if America came under attack, like Ukraine is now?
Question 1: How willing would people of military age in the U.S. be to sign up to fight? Please rate along the spectrum of Very Willing to Not Willing at All. Defend your answer. I.e., why?
Question 2: If you personally are of military age, would you be patriotic/freedom loving enough to sign up to help? If it depends on something, what would that something(s) be? Explain.
Thank you for posting.