The demagogue traitor Mo Brooks with the demagogue traitor
ex-president when times were better between them
Now they're in a snit at each other
Representative Mo Brooks, an Alabama Republican who was deeply involved in former President Donald J. Trump’s effort to use Congress to upend the 2020 election and stay in office, claimed on Wednesday that the former president had asked him repeatedly in the months since to illegally “rescind” the election, remove President Biden and force a new special election.
Mr. Brooks made the extraordinary charge as the two onetime allies were engaged in a bitter political feud, and it was not immediately clear how their falling out related to the accusation. But the account from the Alabama congressman, who played a central role in challenging electoral votes for Mr. Biden on Jan. 6, 2021, suggested that Mr. Trump has continued his efforts to overturn his defeat and be reinstated.
It marked the first time a lawmaker who was involved in Mr. Trump’s attempts to invalidate his election defeat has said that Mr. Trump asked for actions that, were they possible, would violate federal law.
His statement came after Mr. Trump withdrew his endorsement of Mr. Brooks in the Republican primary for Alabama’s Senate seat, undercutting the congressman’s already slim chances in a crowded intraparty race.
“President Trump asked me to rescind the 2020 elections, immediately remove Joe Biden from the White House, immediately put President Trump back in the White House, and hold a new special election for the presidency,” Mr. Brooks said in a statement on Wednesday. “As a lawyer, I’ve repeatedly advised President Trump that Jan. 6 was the final election contest verdict and neither the U.S. Constitution nor the U.S. Code permit what President Trump asks. Period.”
In a subsequent text message, Mr. Brooks said Mr. Trump had made the request of him on “multiple occasions” since Sept. 1, 2021. He said the former president did not specify how exactly Congress would reinstall him as president, and Mr. Brooks repeatedly told him it was impossible.
“I told President Trump that ‘rescinding’ the 2020 election was not a legal option. Period,” Mr. Brooks wrote.
The GOP vs. the ex-president
This post is not about what the ex-president did and tried to do.[1] This is about Republican Party moral rot. Deep, thick rot. So deep and thick that probably ~95% of the GOP leadership is no longer able to see it in themselves. Incredible as it may seem, they appear to actually believe they are good guys.
Here, we have a sitting Republican congressman, himself a liar and an all-around anti-democratic atrocity, who had knowledge of the ex-president's illegal treasonous explicit demands to illegally regain power, allegedly starting in September of 2021[2]. Brooks knew of this but nonetheless said nothing until the ex-president imperiled his own re-election by withdrawing his support. Brooks cared more about his own re-election than he cared about democracy, truth or most anything else. That is hard core moral rot.
Since Brooks knew of this, it is fair and reasonable to believe that the entire Republican leadership knew of it as well. Arguably, all Republicans in congress knew but kept it to themselves. If they did, they were aiding a corrupt demagogue's attempt to overthrown the government for political purposes. This started September of 2021 and continued until Brooks flew into a snit and spilled the rotten beans. If the GOP leadership was not aware of all of this, then they are grossly incompetent and unfit to hold power.
The GOP has worked long and hard by words and actions to earn public distrust. Therefore, it is fair and reasonable to believe that Republicans in congress knew about this, but just hid it from the American people for partisan political purposes. The burden of proof is on the GOP to prove it did not know. Since the GOP does not deign to explain or justify itself to the public, such proof will not be forthcoming. Thus, one can reasonably conclude the demagogic Republican leadership and politicians are just as corrupt and treasonous and the party's demagogic, corrupt and treasonous leader.
Or is there a flaw in that reasoning?
1. By now, the non-deceived who are paying at least some attention know that he was and still is a divisive demagogue, a chronic liar, a criminal (a multiple felon), a pro-Russian traitor, a fornicator (Stormy Daniels, Karen McDougal, and God only knows who else), a cruel despot wannabe, and some other ghastly things, e.g., an unindicted co-conspirator (UNINDICTED, Merrick Garland, are you listening, you worthless jackass?). That is old news and minds are not going to change.
2. Who knows? Maybe Trump had been making such requests starting shortly after the 2020 election. With America's morally rotted, neo-fascist Republican Party, it's a significant possibility. Most of those people are chronic liars.