From the Blithering Nonsense Files: The Supreme Court has released results of its investigation into who leaked the draft opinion that obliterated the right to an abortion (
Dobbs). The culprit? They don’t know who done it. It’s an unsolvable mystery if one believes the results.
Here’s the whole 28 page shebang, or maybe it’s better called a shefizzle. Foschizzle?
The first sentence of the report reads:
In May 2022, this Court suffered one of the worst breaches of trust in its history: the leak of a draft opinion. The legal community seems to be somewhat skeptical, to say the least. Top peanut gallery commentary includes
these delightful gems:
It hasn't identified them because it doesn't want to, because they know precisely who did it. (60 upvotes)
Liberal judges are ethical. Conservative justices aren’t. It was Alito or Thomas - the two most unprincipled justices on the bench. (11 upvotes)
So, Alito then. (173 upvotes)
Translation: It was obviously someone in the circle of one of the Republican Justices, and therefore we will end the investigation rather than pursue it to the ends of the earth as we would if we believed it was someone connected to one of the liberal Justices. Roberts is such a contemptible pussy. (125 upvotes)
[Quoting the report and referring to the leaked draft opinion] one of the worst breaches of trust in its history. My trust was breached when a half drunk rapist went to a job interview and cried while bearing his teeth about a Clinton conspiracy and revenge and still got the fucking job. (58 upvotes)
Dang, I think the legal community is in some sort of snit about this. A contemptible pussy? My goodness gracious.
From the Snowball in Hell Files: House Democrats have introduced a bill to overturn the 2010 Supreme Court ruling in
Citizens United v. FEC, which eliminated restrictions on corporate, nonprofit and union campaign spending. The chances of that becoming law? This:
From the Anti-Woke Laws Files: Once again, Florida leads the way in radical right anti-wokeness.
The NYT writes:
Florida Rejects A.P. African American Studies Class
The state’s Department of Education said in a letter that the course content was “inexplicably contrary to Florida law and significantly lacks educational value”
Florida will not allow a new Advanced Placement course on African American studies to be offered in its high schools, stating that the course is not “historically accurate” and violates state law.
Last year, a federal judge blocked part of the Stop WOKE Act — officially named the Individual Freedoms Act — that would have regulated workplace trainings on issues such as race and diversity. But the law still applies to public schools. So does another 2022 law, the Parental Rights in Education Act, which critics call “Don’t Say Gay,” that among other things bans instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity in kindergarten through third grade.
By golly, public school children in Florida are not going to be woke. And, they also won’t be aware of some chunks of American history, mostly inconvenient chunks. This anti-woke thing seems to be expanding.