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Tuesday, September 26, 2023

News bits: DJT policy update; GOP violence watch update; Election subversion update

The New Republic reports on DJT's publicly stated plans if he is re-elected:
Trump Goes Full Deranged, Suggests Charging 
People He Doesn’t Like With Treason

Donald Trump went over the edge over the weekend and began calling for his detractors to be prosecuted or even put to death.

“They are almost all dishonest and corrupt, but Comcast, with its one-side and vicious coverage by NBC NEWS, and in particular MSNBC, often and correctly referred to as MSDNC (Democrat National Committee!), should be investigated for its ‘Country Threatening Treason,’” he wrote on Truth Social Sunday night.

“I say up front, openly, and proudly, that when I WIN the Presidency of the United States … the LameStream Media will be thoroughly scrutinized for their knowingly dishonest and corrupt coverage of people, things, and events,” he said. “They are a true threat to Democracy and are, in fact, THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE! The Fake News Media should pay a big price for what they have done to our once great Country!”
Professor of global politics and political scientist Brian Klass at The Atlantic wrote on Monday that General Milley’s phone call to China “was, in fact, explicitly authorized by Trump-administration officials.”

“And yet,” Klass noted, “none of the nation’s front pages blared ‘Trump Suggests That Top General Deserves Execution’ or ‘Former President Accuses General of Treason.’ Instead, the post barely made the news. Most Americans who don’t follow Trump on social media probably don’t even know it happened.”

“Trump’s rhetoric is dangerous, not just because it is the exact sort that incites violence against public officials but also because it shows just how numb the country has grown toward threats more typical of broken, authoritarian regimes. The United States is not just careening toward a significant risk of political violence around the 2024 presidential election. It’s also mostly oblivious to where it’s headed.”

GOP congressman calls for execution of “sodomy-promoting” US Army general

Rep. Paul Gosar said that the "homosexual-promoting" general "would be hung" in a better society

Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) called for the execution of General Mark Milley, the chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, in a homophobic tirade this weekend.

In his newsletter this weekend – published to his Congressional website – Gosar accused Milley of being a “homosexual-promoting-BLM-activist” who delayed the military’s response to the January 6 riot. An election denier, Gosar has in the past claimed that he “started the revolution,” referring to the insurrection.  
“In a better society, quislings like the strange sodomy-promoting General Milley would be hung,” Gosar wrote. “He had one boss: President Trump, and instead he was secretly meeting with Pelosi and coordinating with her to hurt Trump. That is, when he wasn’t also secretly coordinating and sharing intelligence with the Chinese military.”
Since the GOP is silent on Gosar's threat, the Republican Party supports Gosar's call for executing Milley.

In Wisconsin, Republican lawmakers are threatening to impeach both the state’s election administrator, who is highly regarded nationally, and a state Supreme Court justice despite a ruling by the state’s judicial commission that the justice had done nothing wrong — effectively nullifying a recent statewide election she won, Democrats say.

In North Carolina, a bill that would give the legislature control of state and local election boards — potentially allowing lawmakers to overturn results — could soon become law.

Alabama continues to defy the U.S. Supreme Court by refusing to draw a new congressional district with a Black majority.

And after forcing voters to cast ballots in unconstitutionally gerrymandered districts in 2022, Ohio Republicans have recently proposed new maps that retain their gerrymandered supermajority control over the legislature, after enacting one of the most restrictive voter laws in the country earlier this year, and spending the summer campaigning to roll back the constitutional power of Ohio voters.

Other states are seeing efforts by politicians to gain a political advantage by curtailing the power of voters.  
Wisconsin’s legislative maps are among the most heavily gerrymandered in the country — a 2020 Harvard study ranked them as the worst, on par with Jordan, Bahrain, and the Congo. They’ve consistently given the GOP large majorities — currently 22-11 in the Senate and 64-35 in the House — despite the state tilting slightly Democratic in most recent statewide races.  
In Ohio, the Supreme Court has ruled five times that the state’s current legislative maps are unconstitutional gerrymanders favoring Republicans. But the bipartisan commission that’s supposed to draw fair maps waited 16 months before reconvening last week.

It has made almost no progress, because GOP legislative leaders spent the first week infighting over who would co-chair the committee. When they finally did name one this week, the commission met and Republicans used their 5-2 advantage on the commission to establish a proposed working map that could lead to more Republican seats and fewer competitive districts.
Authoritarian radical right Republican efforts to subvert the 2024 elections continue to be a wild card. Biden could win the election but for the effects of those laws. Republicans have tried to suppress non-Republican voters and rig or openly reject election results that the radical right authoritarians dislike. 

I am not aware of any analysis that predicts the likely effects of radical Republican anti-election, pro-tyranny laws in any state. Maybe it's time to start doing some searching to see if I can find anything. 🤨