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Wednesday, November 8, 2023

News bits: Ohio Abortion rights win; Kentucky and Virginia

Ohio passes Issue 1 ballot measure enshrining abortion protections

That's a good thing. Very good. This brings the clash between God and secular law into sharper focus. The Christian nationalists are not going to give up in Ohio or anywhere else.

Also, voters made marijuana legal in Ohio.

In Kentucky, [Democrat] Beshear won his reelection bid after campaigning on expanding abortion access. Beshear’s campaign released an ad showing a prosecutor criticizing the lack of exceptions for rape and incest under Kentucky’s ban on the procedure. His GOP opponent, Attorney General Daniel Cameron, said during the campaign that he would approve legislation that would include rape and incest as exceptions to the ban, but later appeared to tack to the right on the issue.

And in Virginia, Democrats maintained their majority in the state Senate and flipped the House of Delegates by largely campaigning in competitive districts on the threat of an abortion ban.

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