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Saturday, March 16, 2024


 I have long been amused and disheartened by the west's response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Here I am, a liberal Snowflake, typically against military interventions, wondering how in the world we could have lost our hawkishism. One reason, maybe the only reason, we may have needed a Nikki Haley.

What is typical in leftist circles, is something left over from failed wars in Vietnam and Afghanistan. We shouldn't be interfering in the affairs of other nations.

All of the above and below are my own personal observations. I will not be posting any links to any publications to give me the ideas I have circulating around in my head. So here goes..........

The west has gone soft. Dangerously soft. In my opinion. Iran may well achieve it's goal of building a nuke. Israel may well take care of that problem on it's own. Because we in the west don't have the balls any longer to stop Iran from doing so. If Israel does so the west will turn even MORE against Israel than it already has. That is how we roll now. 

When Russia invaded two territories belonging at the time to Georgia, the west barely blinked. Ditto when Russia invaded Crimea. The west kept believing, as did the leftist snowflakes, that surely that would be the end of Putin's adventurism. Guess what? And yet we keep hearing from the same leftist snowflakes that Russia will stop after they have taken Ukraine. 

Here is how Russia should have been dealt with and can still be dealt with. Be prepared. You are going to hear things from this liberal snowflake you would never have expected to hear from him.

After the invasion of Crimea, massive amounts of weapons, including offensive weapons, should have been shipped to Ukraine. NATO forces should have been stationed in Ukraine. Massive financial aide should have been given to Ukraine. Pre-emptive. 

Next: why do we still have pro-Russian regimes like Cuba still on our doorsteps? It would only take a minimum effort to remove the commies once and for all from Cuba. Ditto with Nicaragua, and Venezuela. Go in full force, take the governing regimes out. Would help enormously with illegal immigration as well. Those invasions would actually be humanitarian since people suffer in those countries.

But too late now. So what can the west do now? 

They could still take out the commie regime in Cuba at the bare minimum. Get it done!

And get this - Russia has now shipped nukes to Belarus and barely a blink from the west. Again acting like chickens. If Russia can ship nukes to Belarus then the west can ship some nukes to Poland, the Baltics, Finland. 

The west can also send combat troops to Ukraine. Never mind that congress is tying up aide to Ukraine. NATO can send troops. They do not need to be employed offensively but employed to defend the Capital of Ukraine and it's larger cities. Even offensively, what is Russia going to do, threaten us with nukes? THAT threat alone has already caused the lilly livered west to quake in their boots. Seriously?

Clearly we need another John F. Kennedy who had no problem facing the Ruskies down. Putin is bluffing. If the west had nukes placed in NATO countries bordering Russia, I think that would send a clear message. The counter-argument would be "but that would only provoke Putin." Imagine how Putin must be laughing at us. Mind you, the US had to be dragged into WWII because peaceniks didn't want us involved. Only an invasion on Pearl Harbor woke us up from our slumbers. 

What will it take this time? NK hitting us with a nuke? Russia invading a NATO country? When will the west grow a spine?

BTW, none of this rant is about making a suggestion about who should be Prez. Biden, in this department has been weak. Congress is just as or more weak. Trump would be worse. Bring on Nikki Haley or someone on the D side (if there is anyone) with the determination to take on Putin.