
DP Etiquette

First rule: Don't be a jackass.

Other rules: Do not attack or insult people you disagree with. Engage with facts, logic and beliefs. Out of respect for others, please provide some sources for the facts and truths you rely on if you are asked for that. If emotion is getting out of hand, get it back in hand. To limit dehumanizing people, don't call people or whole groups of people disrespectful names, e.g., stupid, dumb or liar. Insulting people is counterproductive to rational discussion. Insult makes people angry and defensive. All points of view are welcome, right, center, left and elsewhere. Just disagree, but don't be belligerent or reject inconvenient facts, truths or defensible reasoning.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

A distinction without a difference?

Here’s something on the heavy side for a weekend question, and something I think about occasionally: 

Q: Are people who proclaim a religion (e.g., Christians, Jews, Muslims) cult members?  Why/why not?


What is a cult, really?  Webster defines it as:


  • Is calling religion “a cult” just a mean, emotionally-charged claim and not really being fair (objective) about it? 

  • What does it take to call/refer to some organization as a cult?  I.e., what are the necessary components for cultism (e.g., distinct leader(s), focal points, specific ideology, mission, etc.)?

  • What are the dividing line distinctions between cult/not a cult (e.g., enough/not enough group think to qualify, real versus non-real/non-verifiable claims, etc.)?

  • Is being in a cult “shameful?”  If yes, why (e.g., stereotyping, insulting, etc.)?  If not, why not (e.g., has mass appeal, has lofty goals, etc.)?

  • If you are religious or have some religious leanings, do you consider yourself a cult member?  Explain your position.

Take some time to think about it in earnest.

by PrimalSoup

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