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Showing posts with label hunter biden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hunter biden. Show all posts

Monday, February 10, 2020

Hunter Biden

While giving my personal opinions in the main OP is something I try not to do too often, saving my controversial opinions for the posting area, this time I will “spill the/my beans” upfront.  Then I hope to hear your take.

First, let’s check out Hunter Biden's Wikipedia page.  Looks like we have somewhat of a “problem child” on our hands there.  But that page goes deeper than what I’m looking for here.  Let’s save Hunter’s in-depth psychological evaluation for the Psychology Today Blog.  Rather, what I will be looking for here is whether or not you think Hunter Biden’s activities have played a big part in likely ruining his dad’s chances at the presidency.

At one time, early last year, Joe Biden was perceived to be a virtual “shoe-in” to take the Democratic nomination.  Then schtuff happened.*

Granted, while many factors can, indeed do, contribute to an outcome, *and* while no one can say for sure what will happen in the future (since it’s not over until it’s over)…

Question: Do you think Hunter Biden’s excessive greed and cashing in on his dad’s famous last name ruined his dad’s chances at the presidency?

My answer: I do.  I think Hunter will be the ultimate straw that breaks his dad’s back.  He was just another user, and at the detriment of his dad’s benefit.

Question: Was/Is Hunter Biden excessive greed and “use and abuse” of his last name much different than Trump’s children’s?

My answer: No.  Not much, if at all, different.  All those little demons have the same greedy “user” mindsets.  It’s all about them, and not anyone else; including, in Hunter’s case, his own father.

What do you think?  Thanks for posting and recommending.

-Discovery of Hunter getting ridiculous payouts from the corrupt Ukrainian gas company, Burisma.
-Hunter’s “no energy or natural gas” business acumen to deserve a seat on their board.
-Months long Burisma investigations, thus dragging in his father’s internationally-backed efforts to get rid of a corrupt Prosecutor General, Viktor Shokin, in Ukraine as something suspicious.
-Etc. [You can look for and fill in this part.]