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Thursday, July 21, 2022

A comment on incompetent, life-threatening Republican anti-abortion laws

The GOP is mindlessly hell-bent on inflicting major social engineering on American government, society and commerce. It is in a raging frenzy to do it to us. Simple, black and white thinking and policy choices dominate childish Republican thinking in a complex, nuanced adult world of shades of gray. 

That is not only grossly incompetent, it is evil because it predictably will kill some people. Fascist GOP abortion laws exemplify its brainless savagery. The Washington Post writes:
Hospitals and their lawyers are being forced to interpret statutory terms that don’t correspond to medical practice and language. These laws often demand a degree of certainty doctors can’t provide. Katie McHugh, an obstetrician-gynecologist in Indiana, tells me doctors must now tell patients that a given procedure is “what she would medically recommend,” but then inform the patient she can’t receive that treatment in her state. In other words, doctors in some states are becoming travel agents for abortion services.

In many states, the substantial risk to mental health (e.g., depression, suicidal ideation) might not “count” as a valid exception to abortion bans. And are the risks associated with traveling long distances for women determined to seek an abortion factored into the calculation? Definitive answers are nonexistent.

Most egregiously, McHugh adds, these laws do not envision chronic conditions. A pregnant woman at risk of liver failure, for example, may face debilitating conditions or even death down the road if she gives birth. But if state law requires imminent risk of death to perform the procedure, she may have to carry the pregnancy to term against her wishes and doctor’s advice. This is barbaric.
The blood of every pregnant woman who needlessly dies from Republican Party incompetence and stupidity is on the hands of all Republicans and their supporters. That includes all who vote for Republicans. They are ice-cold killers. 

Q: Is assigning blame to Republicans and supporters for needless (avoidable) deaths, and seeing them as “ice-cold killers”, reasonable and justifiable? Or, is it impossible to draft laws that more effectively deal with the ambiguities and complexities inherent in this matter, thereby reducing ambiguity and the attendant increased risk of death?