
DP Etiquette

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Other rules: Do not attack or insult people you disagree with. Engage with facts, logic and beliefs. Out of respect for others, please provide some sources for the facts and truths you rely on if you are asked for that. If emotion is getting out of hand, get it back in hand. To limit dehumanizing people, don't call people or whole groups of people disrespectful names, e.g., stupid, dumb or liar. Insulting people is counterproductive to rational discussion. Insult makes people angry and defensive. All points of view are welcome, right, center, left and elsewhere. Just disagree, but don't be belligerent or reject inconvenient facts, truths or defensible reasoning.

Friday, July 8, 2022

News from Redstatelandia: America's future unfolds today

Given where the US is headed, brief news updates from red states seem to be in order. These fiddly bits entertain us as fascism slowly creeps over the land and poisons everything it touches.

First off, is Arizona and its move toward a police state. This one starts slowly, but over time one can expect the law to harden into fascist police state brutality. Azcentral writes:
People will no longer be allowed to take close-range recordings of Arizona police under a new bill signed into law by Gov. Doug Ducey on Wednesday. House Bill 2319, sponsored by Rep. John Kavanagh, makes it illegal for anyone within 8 feet of law enforcement activity to record police. Violators could face a misdemeanor, but only after being verbally warned and continuing to record anyway.
The farther away people are kept, the less evidence of policy brutality their videos will contain. The original draft law had the limit at 15 feet, but it got changed to 8. It will take some years to harden this law based on to 1st Amendment concerns. The Supreme Court will need to nibble away at the 1st by creating exceptions for police activity.

We all knew this was coming. From South Carolina, a proud leader in fascism, we have more abortion restrictions on the horizon. From the NYT:
Nearly two weeks after the Supreme Court overturned the constitutional right to abortion established by Roe v. Wade, South Carolina lawmakers became the first to consider more restrictive legislation. The state had already decided to outlaw abortion after about six weeks of pregnancy. But on Thursday its legislature, now empowered to consider even greater restrictions, offered the first glimpse of a state taking early steps into a post-Roe America.


Not quite yet there feller, hold yer horses
Abortion is going to be murder

The red state stampede to be the most fascist about abortion is on. Big herds of red state legislators states are thundering ahead in a massive cloud of thick dust. The race is on to be the first and worst. It will be of some interest to those with inquiring minds to see the unintended consequences unfold, including lives destroyed.

From Wisconsin he have an update on fascist election subversion:
A divided Wisconsin Supreme Court barred the use of most ballot drop boxes on Friday and ruled voters could not give their completed absentee ballots to others to return on their behalf, a practice that some conservatives disparage as “ballot harvesting.” For years, ballot drop boxes were used without controversy across Wisconsin. Election clerks greatly expanded their use in 2020 during the coronavirus pandemic as absentee voting hit unprecedented levels.
That speaks for itself. The question is how effective will it be at boosting Republican votes while suppressing Democratic votes? That is the intent.

Next is a fun snippet from federal Redstatelandia. This is about how the IRS will be turned into a tool to obliterate those darned anti-fascists, not to be confused with Antifa people. Well, maybe there will be some comingling. Whatever. The NYT writes about the IRS tax audit to two people that T**** hated and wanted to see dead, so they got the next best thing just short of outright murder 😊, an intense IRS tax audit 😵‍💫:
How Unlikely Is It That the Audits of Comey and McCabe Were a Coincidence? A Statistical Exploration. The chances are minuscule. But minuscule is not zero.
But gee whiz, it really was just a coincidence!

In the statistical analysis, there were other ways of calculating how likely it was that T**** had sicked the IRS on McCabe and Comey.[1] The odds of random chance at play were always so small that one can be about as certain as reasonably possible that the IRS intentionally targeted those two yahoos because T**** told it to do that. That's just how fascists do politics. Nixon tried to do the same fascist thing. But way back then, Republican politicians still had some respect for democracy, truth, the rule of law and the Constitution. Those days are gone and not coming back.

There's your exciting update from Redstatelandia. The folks there want to succeed from the Onion, er, Union. Maybe it's time to let 'em go? 

1. It is hard to have sympathy for Comey. He was the Republican jackass that announced an FBI investigation of Hillary about a week before the 2016 election. IMO, that was a necessary factor in Clinton's loss to T**** (necessary but alone not sufficient). Naturally, Comey's devastating investigation fizzled into the nothingburger it always was. That left Clinton grievously wounded just days before the election. 

Some time after his fascist Republican investigation fiasco, Comey got pensive and philosophical and whatnot. His idiotic reaction to what he did was something stupid about like this:
Gee willikers, golly and shucks. I hope I didn't have any effect on the election. That would have been awful if it hurt Hillary. Gosh, dang and darn. That would have been not good. I'm all aflutter just thinking about it! Jeez. mumble . . . . mumble . . . . mumble

Lame Republican crap like that is enough to inspire one to buy an AR-15 (or two) and a few thousand rounds of ammo. For self-defense, of course. Peace out man! 

Peace out 2022
It's been real!