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Sunday, August 7, 2022

About social security and how much the Republican Party hates it

Republican elites hate, hate hate social security and the rest of the social safety net. The GOP is a pull yourself up by your bootstraps Darwinian survival or die political party. In GOP dogma, those who die deserve to die. Every penny that goes to regular people is one less penny that go to super wealthy elites. Each of those lost pennies is a moral outrage to GOP elites. Lost pennies includes those lost to evil, socialist, pedophilic social security spending and etc.

Waddabout the Republican Party rank and file? Most are deceived, clueless and betrayed by the GOP and its propaganda Leviathan like Faux 'News'. Most of them actually believe the lies and adopt the irrational Republican Party hate propaganda.

Opinion | Republicans are coming after Social Security. Democrats, take note.

.... the Republicans are once again taking aim at it and are, in the process, handing Democrats an issue almost as politically potent as abortion rights as they fight to hold on to their slim majorities in the November elections.

The most recent to join the fray is Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.). He announced earlier this week that he believes Social Security should be up for a congressional reauthorization vote every single year. “If you qualify for an entitlement, you get it no matter what the cost,” he huffed on a podcast.

The nerve of those entitled seniors. They paid faithfully into a program and expect a check. Imagine that!

This ups the ante from Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.), who opened the Social Security floodgates earlier this year when he proposed putting all government programs — including Social Security and Medicare — up for renewal every five years. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) immediately declared it dead on arrival, but that hasn’t stopped some Republicans such as Johnson from expressing their approval.

It’s almost as though these Republicans can’t stop themselves from acting on the hope that when it comes to Social Security, the majority of voters won’t take them seriously, even as the GOP base laps their message up. But, in an age when increasing numbers of Americans are going to need a Social Security check to get by in retirement, that seems like a risky bet.
The fascist Republican Party is all in on getting rid of all social safety net spending, including Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps and all the rest. In their twisted political religion, no mercy for anyone for any reason is what the Founders intended. That includes no mercy for veterans who fought in wars to protect their  corrupt, worthless hides and bank accounts.

Our morally rotted ex-president once commented about America's war dead. In 2020, the Atlantic wrote:
Trump said, “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.” In a separate conversation on the same trip, Trump referred to the more than 1,800 marines who lost their lives at Belleau Wood as “suckers” for getting killed. 
The rest of the corrupt, hard assed Republican Party leadership feels or acts the same way, no matter how hard they deny it. Liars deserve no credibility. That includes Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski, the two radical right Republican Senators the MSM falsely refers to as "moderates."

Where there is some dispute in the GOP is about how fast and openly to shaft us regular people. 

Morally rotted McConnell wants time for an appearance of subtlety to quietly abandon average Americans and leave them rotting in a garbage heap. Less patient, equally morally rotted Republicans like Ron Johnson are ready for immediate action. The US Supreme Court also wants to bulldozer safety net protections for average people right now. But maybe most of those Republican Christofacscist radicals on the court are more politically savvy. They might bide their time for a bit, no matter how that odious it is to them. They are also part of the relentless radical right quest to kill democracy, inconvenient truth, the rule of law, civil liberties and our social safety net.

Or, is all that just over the top?