By now it is clear that the US has limited options to deal with climate change. That is despite recently passed legislation that has some anti-climate change measures in it. That legislation was opposed by 100% of Republicans in congress. The Repub Party (RP) has made it explicit and clear that it opposes all meaningful attempts to use government to deal with the problem. The RP says it like this in a recently released political document (quote shown above):
The weather is always changing. We take climate change seriously, but not hysterically. We will not adopt nutty policies that harm our economy or our jobs.
That is reasonably interpreted to be explicit statement that the RP intends to fight all government measures intended to deal with climate change. It is only in that sense that the RP takes climate change seriously.
It is now also clear that the RP also opposes companies who want to try to deal with climate change. The reason for that is unclear. One possibility is that the RP sees climate change as ordained by God and not something that humans have any business trying to do anything about.
One article comments on RP attacks on companies making efforts to deal with climate change:
How an Organized Republican Effort Punishes Companies for Climate ActionLegislators and their allies are running an aggressive campaign that uses public money and the law to pressure businesses they say are pushing “woke” causes.
Across the country, Republican lawmakers and their allies have launched a campaign to try to rein in what they see as activist companies trying to reduce the greenhouse gases that are dangerously heating the planet.
“We’re an energy state, and energy accounts for hundreds of millions of dollars of tax revenue for us,” said Riley Moore, the West Virginia state treasurer. “All of our jobs come from coal and gas. I mean, this is who we are. This is part of our way of life here in the state. And they’re telling us that these industries are bad.”
“We have an existential threat here,” Mr. Moore said. “We have to fight back.”
In doing so, Mr. Moore and others have pushed climate change from the scientific realm into the political battles already raging over topics like voting rights, abortion and L.G.B.T.Q. issues. In recent months, conservatives have moved beyond tough words and used legislative and financial leverage to pressure the private sector to drop climate action and any other causes they label as “woke.”
“There is a coordinated effort to chill corporate engagement on these issues,” said Daniella Ballou-Aares, chief executive of the Leadership Now Project, a nonprofit organization that wants corporations to address threats to democracy. “And it is an effective campaign. Companies are starting to go into hiding.”
Wokeness causes is something that the RP document quoted above mentions:
The Democratic Party and their Big Tech allies are not merely secular; they have virtually created a new religion of wokeness that is increasingly hostile toward people of faith, particularly Christians and Jews. They are determined to drive all mention of God out of public view.Their bizarre policies are intentionally destroying our values, our culture, and the beliefs that hold us together as a nation. They want to replace our culture with government and rewrite history. They are also busy destroying the greatest economy in the world – perverting it into an old, socialist-style system. Our nation can’t survive this combination of wokeness, socialism, and globalism.
Based on wokeness being associated with Christianity in the political document and climate change in the news article, it may be the case that the RP sees climate change as good because it is ordained by God. In that case, the RP could believe that climate change is not something humans should try to deal with or even worry about.
Or, religion might underpin little or only some of with the hostility. RP lust for the power and wealth that continues to flow from continuing to support pollution as usual could also be a significant factor.
With the modern RP, either or both fundamentalist Christianity and brute capitalism are possible explanations. Other reasons, e.g., protecting jobs, seem unlikely. Those feel like a deflection from the real but unspoken reason(s) for RP’s all-out opposition to dealing with climate change.