America Will Invade Canada Before the Year 2100
But it could happen far, far sooner
Let’s face it, friends:
America is over.
- We poisoned all our rivers and we’re running out of freshwater, with 96 out of 204 basins in trouble and the western seaboard on fire.
- We’re like a thirsty ex-boyfriend in our desperate search for ever-harder-to-extract oil and gas, fracking our foundations to smithereens.
- Our infrastructure is crumbling and our cities are overcrowded like a Tokyo metro station.
- Our virgin forests have been destroyed and aren’t coming back.
- We’re trying to coax GMO crops from dead dirt instead of living soil, leaving us with sickly and anemic food.
Eventually, despotic American politicians will wake up and realize there’s a simple solution to all their self-imposed problems:
Invade Canada.
Snowy's reaction: Oh geeze, what a depressing article, and this after just getting away from the good Ole U.S. of A.
Here is the rest of the depressing article:
Conclusion: At least Americans will get to discover poutine.