The traitor ex-president is acting like he will run for president again in 2024. Maybe he is serious, or maybe he is just continuing his massive grift. His recent speeches are laying out his agenda. In his speeches, T**** discusses six policies he wants to implement if he gets back in office. The Washington Post writes:
Strip job protections for federal workersIn October 2020, Trump signed an executive order reclassifying tens of thousands of federal workers to remove their employment protections and make them easier to fire. The National Treasury Employees Union sued to stop the change, and before a court could rule on the challenge, Biden took office and revoked the order.
Lately, Trump has declared his intent to restore the change and put it to greater use. He’s gone further by calling on Congress to overhaul the civil service through a statute, which could be more sweeping and harder to reverse than an executive order.Shrinking the federal bureaucracy and thereby weakening the civil service has been a long-standing conservative goal. Good-government groups say undermining the merit-based workforce would hurt professionalism and lead to politicization, reviving the “spoils system” of the 19th century, when government jobs were doled out to reward partisan supporters.Restrict voting to one day using paper ballotsTrump’s grievances over losing the 2020 election and baseless conspiracy theories about voter fraud have inspired Republican state lawmakers across the country to propose and adopt new voting restrictions. Trump has called for measures such as universal voter ID since disbanding in 2018 the commission he established to back up his false claim of millions of fraudulent votes costing him the 2016 popular vote.
Trump has recently added a demand for same-day voting using paper ballots. “That should be our goal,” he said at CPAC. The proposal echoes his false claims blaming mail ballots and electronic voting machines for his loss in 2020.Deploy federal force against crime, unrest and protestsDuring the social justice protests that followed George Floyd’s murder in 2020, .... Trump threatened to deploy the military unless state and local officials cracked down harder on the protests.
In recent speeches, Trump has said he showed too much deference to local leaders and wished he’d ordered more federal intervention. Trump indicated he wouldn’t hesitate in the future.“The next president should use every power at his disposal to restore order, and if necessary, that includes sending in the National Guard or the troops,” Trump said at CPAC on Aug. 6. “I think the next time, either we’re going for a very quick change or we’re sending them in.”Eliminate the Education Department
“Across the country, we need to implement strict prohibitions on teaching inappropriate racial, sexual and political material to America’s schoolchildren in any form whatsoever,” Trump said at CPAC, “and if federal bureaucrats are going to push this radicalism, we should abolish the Department of Education.”
The Education Department, created in 1980, has about 4,400 employees and a discretionary budget of more than $78 billion. Most of the money goes to grants for local agencies to serve disadvantaged or disabled students and to financial aid or loan subsidies for college students. Trump did not specify whether some or all of those functions would be reassigned to other agencies or eliminated.
“Repealing the department doesn’t actually mean much if you don’t repeal the laws it’s responsible for implementing or enforcing,” said Michael J. Petrilli, president of the Thomas B. Fordham Institute, which conducts research on education, and a fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution. “If you wanted to actually get rid of not just the name but everything it does, you’re talking about taking away tens of billions of dollars from K-12 schools and higher education, which would be incredibly unpopular.”Move homeless people to outlying ‘tent cities’Trump’s solution is to move homeless people to “tent cities” on the outskirts of metropolitan areas, staffed with medical professionals and built to house hundreds of thousands or even millions of people.
“The only way you’re going to remove the homeless encampments and reclaim our downtowns is to open up large parcels, large tracts, of relatively inexpensive land on the outer skirts of the various cities and bring in medical professionals, psychiatrists, psychologists and drug rehab specialists and create tent cities,” Trump said on Aug. 6 at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Dallas. “You don’t have time to build buildings, you can do that later, but you have to get the people off the street. We have to bring back, we have to reclaim our cities.”Execute drug dealersTrump has a long record of supporting the death penalty and has advocated executing people for drug crimes since at least 2018. His recent speeches have repeatedly returned to the idea as part of his public-safety messaging.
“If you look at countries all throughout the world, no matter where you go, the only ones that don’t have a drug problem are those that institute the death penalty for drug dealers,” Trump said at a law-and-order-themed speech in Las Vegas in July. In the Washington speech, he elaborated by calling for a joint task force of the departments of Justice and Homeland Security to dismantle gangs and organized street crime.
Building an American dictatorship
The first two, making firing federal workers easy and undermining elections are core tactics that Viktor Orban used to kill democracy in Hungary in ~2010-2012. Orban fired large numbers of professional bureaucrats, claiming austerity, and then replaced them with twice as many loyalists. That cemented destruction of honest and professional government and its replacement with corrupt incompetent government. Orban also targeted elections to rig them so that he could never lose an election. He has since won three elections that experts assert were blatantly fraudulent.
In a nutshell, Orban deployed demagoguery to neuter government and voter's power in elections to install himself. Accomplishing those goals were needed to set himself up as dictator for life in Hungary.
The ex-president's intent to establish himself as the first American dictator for life is crystal clear here. There is no dispute. To reinforce his new power from neutering professional government and voters in elections, T**** also proposes sending in the military to put down protests. He is willing to use the US military to shoot people dead in the streets.
Establishing and normalizing Christian and racist bigotry
Eliminating the education department is T****'s nod to the radical Christian nationalist wing of the Republican Party. That goal is fascist radical right culture war. T**** and the GOP Christian nationalists desperately want to be able to (i) re-write inconvenient parts of history to sanitize and Christianize the inconveniences, and (ii) openly discriminate against the LGBQT community, racial and ethnic minorities, women and all non-Christians in public schools. Eliminating the US education department makes a lot of sense. Truth is a deadly enemy to fascism and intolerant Christian theocracy and racial and ethnic minorities are hated by racists. The federal education department acts to tamp down the lies and bigotry, so it has to go.
Implementing and normalizing vicious cruelty
Moving the homeless out of cities and executing drug dealers is harsh, but there probably is some or a lot of support for those measures. Obviously, the idea of moving homeless people first and then adding human support and physical infrastructure is nonsense. That would never happen. The homeless would just be forced into "temporary" tent camps and rotten conditions. T**** and the GOP have no intent of ever dealing with the squalor and misery the homeless would be living in outside the cities. Homeless people are just unsightly human wreckage. Once they are pushed out of sight and out of mind, they will be abandoned in prison camps where people won't see the squalor.
Either way, dead or forced into tent camps, out of sight means out of mind. T**** and Republican elites are damn cruel mofos.