Hello all, and happy New Year (coming up). Hopefully the new year will bring more joy to all of our lives but I am not holding my breath.
Between the antics of the Republican Party, the ongoing war in Ukraine, sabre rattling by China, more and more climate disasters, it seems there will be more and more reasons to continue to feel anxieties over the future of America and the planet.
I hope the regulars here will excuse a few thoughts then by this American citizen who is now living in Canada.
My observations are strictly mine, just to be clear.
Turning on ANY American news network, or reading up on any American news online, we are usually treated to more angst about the fate of Democracy, the antics of Trump, the failures (or successes) of Biden, election conspiracy theories, and lots and lots of stories about the Border "Crisis", and Inflation.
I have noticed a different tone on Canadian media outlets. More about international news and events. More about climate. More about sporting events. More common interest stories.
Here are just some examples, this morning on CBC online:
Or CTV online:
Mind you, Canadians don't have to deal with Trumpism, election denialism, though even Canadians have their fare share of Rightwing extremists and White Nationalists - but they seldom make the headlines.
Even one of most Rightwing publications in Canada is pretty tame compared to Fox and the like in the U.S.
And Canadians have access to some of best analytical and well researched material with outlets like:
Why am I bringing this all up? Am I, now that I am living in Canada, putting my head into the sand? Have I by being less invested in American news, dismissing the real dangers of the world? OR am I finding that being exposed to Canadian news I am getting more balance in my life and seeing more of the world than what I got from American news?
Is the way American news outlets handle news, complete with a lot of hyperbole and a lot of partisan commentary, a better way of presenting the dangers Americans are facing? Or does the way they present the news only cause MORE angst, anxiety, and yup, division?
AND of course many of you will remind me, that the U.S. is in crisis, that the Ukraine war could turn nuclear, and that we have to be fearful of China, and that we need to FOCUS on those dangers. And you may be right, I am NOT saying we should be all singing Kumbaya and ignoring the real dangers.
BUT at the same time it is nice to be able to turn on the news and not be hit in the face 24/7 with the same stories over and over and over again. I have to admit it: it's a nice diversion.
Should American outlets offer more than 24/7 anxiety ridden news? Whatcha all think?