I’m gonna keep this really simple, and I’m throwing it together at the last minute here, so please forgive the lack of polish (not that I'm ever that polished 😉). Anyway…
Yesterday, we talked about Deanda raising his daughters in
the Christian mode/tradition of forbidding them from having premarital sex
before marriage. The point, the question
really was (in a nutshell), how far can parents go when imposing their philosophical
values on their children?
So, here is what I’d like you to debate. (I’m really
interested in your thoughts here because I’ve often wondered about it myself.)
Since parents have the right (?) to shape the
personalities/belief systems of their “blank slate upon birth” children:
1. Do vegetarian* parents have the parental right to restrict
their children to a vegetarian diet like their own, starting from
babyhood/birth (a philosophical choice likely made by the parents in adulthood)?
2. At what point should the child be allowed/free to choose a non-vegetarian
diet? Once its old enough to understand
the concept of meat-eating, say about 5 years old? Too young? Other age?
Take time to think it over, then discuss the ramifications of this dilemma.
* Non meat-eating