Don Jr admits he doesn’t know where $240m Trump fundraised tofight election results went in Jan 6 transcriptsDonald Trump Jr said that he did not know where the $240 million raised to fight his father’s 2020 presidential election loss went, according to transcripts released by the House select committee investigating the January 6 riot at the US Capitol.
Aw, c'mon Don Jr, you lil' joker. You and the rest of us know where it went. Don Sr grifted it from the flock and is using the proceeds to have fun with sex workers. . . . . Jeez, $240m will buy a lot of sex worker fun. 😍
Trump — who broke with a decades-long tradition of presidential candidates and presidents by refusing to make his tax returns public — has for years falsely claimed that he could not release them while under “routine audit” by the IRS.
Last week, the Ways and Means Committee revealed that the IRS did not audit Trump’s returns during his first two years in office, despite a rule mandating such reviews, and never completed any audits while he served.
What a fibber. This is what the Republican Party fights tooth, claw and poison dagger to protect and shield from the public. Of course, if it was a prominent Democrat who did this, Republican howls of self-righteous moral outrage would break your eardrums.
Vox speculates on why massive fraud in COVID relief spending has not had much news impact:
.... pandemic fraud across three major relief programs could reach the $250 billion to $560 billion range (though no one really knows because the exact amount is difficult to estimate). The federal government approved about $5 trillion in total pandemic relief money ....All of the above makes for a messy picture of political culpability. Republicans can’t frame this as a purely Democratic scandal when Trump signed the bill and was president while much of the theft happened. Democrats, for their part, helped craft the initial relief bill and extended it further under Biden. So that’s an incentive for both parties not to look too closely at what might have gone wrong.Among Democrats, there’s likely a generalized fear that making too much about any fraud in government benefits will be used to discredit the use of government benefits to help people generally (harking back to the “welfare queen” attack from Ronald Reagan).One would think, though, that it would be anti-spending Republicans who would typically make a big stink about an issue like this. And yet with the GOP increasingly fixated on the domestic culture war, the specifics of the pandemic relief fraud (money stolen by foreign hackers) don’t seem to fit too well with their current message.
This is evident in an amusing recent exchange on the pages of the Wall Street Journal. Rep. James Comer (R-KY), the incoming chair of the House Oversight Committee, wrote an op-ed on pandemic relief fraud, along with five other issues he plans to investigate. But his most specific concern was that some states and localities used pandemic relief funds for “electric buses and controversial ideologies.” In an earlier press release, his office claimed to find evidence that pandemic relief money funded “woke initiatives.”
American Enterprise Institute fellow Matt Weidinger responded to Comer’s op-ed with a letter to the Journal urging him to focus on the bigger fraud picture so it could be stopped from happening again. “Criminal gangs, including some based in Russia and China, used stolen identities to seize U.S. tax dollars on an industrial scale,” Weidinger wrote. This could be read as saying: Focus on the real issue, please, not just the culture war crap. We will see next year whether the GOP House majority listens.
No, the GOP House majority is not going to listen. It is fixated on culture war crap.
American politics at the federal level is a freaking trainwreck. Democrats are plausibly worried about the Welfare Queen myth, while Republicans continue to be trapped in their psychotic break from reality and competence called culture wars.
However, criminals love the train wreck. They get to live long and prosper, as Spock might say.