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Tuesday, December 6, 2022

News bits: Trump, more Trump, Republican treason, etc. It's a busy day!

From the he didn’t say what he said files
Trump now says he didn’t say what he said. The title of an article in The Independent says, what one needs to know: Trump falsely claims he never called to ‘terminate’ US constitution despite having said exactly that. Now we’re back to this dirty trickery:

From the corrupt Trump files
An article in The Guardian, Trump did not disclose $19.8m loan while president, documents show, discusses standard Trump style corruption. The loan was from a company with links to North Korea. Merrick Garland isn’t going to do anything about this little oversight. But never mind any of that, let’s see what is on Hunter Biden’s laptop. 

From the Republican elites are lying fascist traitors
and they hate democracy files
Top US conservatives pushing Russia’s spin on 
Ukraine war, experts say

Some of the Kremlin’s most blatant falsehoods aimed at undercutting US aid are promoted by major figures on the right

Ever since Russia launched its brutal war in Ukraine the Kremlin has banked on American conservative political and media allies to weaken US support for Ukraine and deployed disinformation operations to falsify the horrors of the war for both US and Russian audiences, say disinformation experts.

Some of the Kremlin’s most blatant falsehoods about the war aimed at undercutting US aid for Ukraine have been promoted by major figures on the American right, from Holocaust denier and white supremacist Nick Fuentes to ex-Trump adviser Steve Bannon and Fox News star Tucker Carlson, whose audience of millions is deemed especially helpful to Russian objectives.

On a more political track, House Republican Freedom Caucus members such as Paul Gosar, Marjorie Taylor Greene and Scott Perry – who in May voted with 54 other Republican members against a $40bn aid package for Ukraine, and have raised other concerns about the war – have proved useful, though perhaps unwitting, Kremlin allies at times.
Ooh, interesting. Are Gosar, Greene and Perry stupid enough to be unwitting Kremlin allies? Or, are they fascists who knowingly want to help Putin destroy Ukraine and slaughter its people? I think we can rest assured that Fuentes, Bannon and Carlson definitely are fascists who knowingly want to help Putin destroy Ukraine and slaughter its people.

From the On a Lighter Note Files:
More about those massively
important Dick Pics! 
Donald Trump Demands To Be Restored To Power After Americans Deprived Of Constitutional Right To See Hunter Biden Dick Pics

Get a load of these wankers!

“What really happened with the Hunter Biden story suppression by Twitter will be published on Twitter at 5pm ET!” Trump tweeted, adding “This will be awesome” and a popcorn emoji 🍿 in case there was any doubt how wild things would get. No mention was made of the day’s earlier debacle: after antisemitic rapper Ye’s account was suspended on the same day Twitter welcomed Andrew Anglin, the founder of the virulently antisemitic Daily Stormer website, back to the platform.[1] Don’t look over here, look over there!

At 5:21pm, the Muskboys [Elon Musk’s minions] were still “double-checking some facts,” but eventually Substacker Matt Taibbi delivered a 41-tweet thread showing the company’s Trust and Safety team grappling in good faith with what looked at the time very much like a foreign government hack and/or misinformation operation timed to interfere with the American election. Indeed, this was a grappling which had taken place at multiple conservative media outlets, including Fox and the Wall Street Journal, both of which passed on the story before the New York Post picked it up. This was in part because Rudy Giuliani and Steve Bannon could not demonstrate the provenance of the laptop supposedly belonging to candidate Biden’s son, and they still can’t.

What might said emails contain? Matt Taibbi, a journalist with 30-plus years of experience, does not say. But he and the Muskies [Elon Musk’s minions] are sure this censorship is a sign of nefarious pro-Biden electoral interference.

In point of fact, the tweets featured both family photos of Hunter Biden’s minor children and pictures of his penis, both inside and outside of women, something Taibbi could easily have discovered since he and Bari Weiss are apparently being allowed to paw through company records at will. Hope no one wants to assert privilege over those docs later!

Publishing nude photos without consent is unambiguously a violation of Twitter’s terms of service, and indeed a private platform is free to censor anything it likes. Nonetheless, these brain geniuses are sure that this is a gross violation of the Constitution which will bring down the Republic. Because if websites aren’t obligated to publish pictures of Hunter Biden’s junk, then what even is the First Amendment for?

At the end of the thread, Taibbi declared himself spent, and thanked all who’d helped him reach this journalistic climax, spreading his seeds of truth far and wide. Then the circle of Musk fanboys and MAGA loons buttoned up their raincoats and took to Twitter to, ummm …. praise his wondrous emanation.

“We are witnessing the biggest story in modern presidential election history,” tweeted Pizzagate weirdo Jack Posobiec, adding “We can never go back to the country we were before this moment.”

Meanwhile, Florida’s preeminent law-understander has logged on to say that we should simply cancel the Constitution and put him back in power.
So, with the revelation of MASSIVE & WIDESPREAD FRAUD & DECEPTION in working closely with Big Tech Companies, the DNC, & the Democrat Party, do you throw the Presidential Election Results of 2020 OUT and declare the RIGHTFUL WINNER, or do you have a NEW ELECTION? A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution. Our great “Founders” did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections!
“UNPRECEDENTED FRAUD REQUIRES UNPRECEDENTED CURE!” the former president screams into the Truth Social ether. But not on Twitter, the platform which is supposedly revealing all this corruption.

The amazing revelation that Twitter failed to show pictures of Hunter Biden’s bits has thus fair failed to restore Trump to power. Even over at Fox, there seems to be a dawning realization that Musk and Taibbi’s package has failed to impress.

But hope springs eternal.

“I feel that Elon Musk has held back some material,” New York Post reporter Miranda Devine, an early proponent of the “laptop from hell” story said wistfully at Fox.

Or maybe not. Maybe Taibbi is just spilling his seed on the ground and all we’ll get out of this thing is some dick pics.

As is our sacred right under the Constitution!
Yes indeed, our sacred Constitutional right to see those dick pics has everyone up in arms. I'm all riled up!

Note the patriot on the far right goosing the 
butt of the patriot next to him

1. For those not among us elite cognoscenti, this is how Wikipedia describes the delightful Daily Stormer:
The Daily Stormer is an American far-right, neo-Nazi, white supremacist, misogynist, Islamophobic, antisemitic, and Holocaust denial commentary and message board [and bar and grill] website that advocates for a second genocide of Jews. It is part of the alt-right movement [including the entire Republican Party leadership]. Its editor, Andrew Anglin, founded the outlet on July 4, 2013, as a faster-paced replacement for his previous website Total Fascism! 😍, which had focused on his own long-form essays on fascism, race, and antisemitic conspiracy theories. In contrast, The Daily Stormer relies heavily on quoted material with exaggerated headlines. (emphasis and emoji added)
The daily poop stormer