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Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Bits: BKC lobbying corrupts congress, again; COVID update; A massive BKC war is brewing

After the trail derailment On Feb. 3 in East Palestine Ohio, Norfolk Southern railroad dropped its years-long opposition to safety regulations that would have prevented the derailment. NS opposition to the regulations has returned and it effectively blocks the regulations pending in congress. In other words it is just BKC (brass knuckles capitalism) doing business as usual by corrupting and subverting government with cash. 

The Intercept describes how relatively small amounts of BKC cash controls congress to get 'er done! while the public interest gets shafted as usual:
AFTER LAYING LOW in the wake of the disastrous East Palestine, Ohio, train derailment, Norfolk Southern is back to spending millions in Congress — and a paper trail indicates that it’s lobbying for weaker regulation and rewarding members of Congress who play along.

From the day of the derailment on February 3 through the end of April, the company made no political contributions, instead receiving refunds of donations it had made to a number of campaigns. But as the national spotlight dimmed, the company got back to work.

In the last four months, Norfolk spent $1,657,500 on lobbyists who met with the same elected officials tasked with regulating the company. And in June and July alone, the company shelled out almost $200,000 to a myriad of congressional campaigns and political action committees, or PACs, according to its recent filings with the Federal Election Commission, including one from this week.  
As Norfolk went on a spending spree, the Bipartisan Railway Safety Act stalled in the Senate, due to a lack of sufficient Republican support. .... The oil company that manufactured the toxic chemicals that were released in Ohio has also donated heavily to Republicans while pushing to weaken the bill, The Lever reported.  
OVER THE SUMMER, Norfolk Southern donated $5,000 to each of the PACs associated with GOP Sens. Marsha Blackburn, Ted Budd, Shelley Moore Capito, John Cornyn, John Hoeven, and Cynthia Lummis — most of them members of the Senate transportation committee. Meanwhile, Blackburn and Sen. Roger Wicker received $1,500 and $5,000, respectively, to their campaign accounts. None of the Republican senators’ offices responded to requests for comment on the donations, nor about their stances on the Bipartisan Railway Safety Act.

Meanwhile, a few Democrats have welcomed cash from the rail giant too. The PACs of Sens. Joe Manchin and Chris Van Hollen each received $5,000. Manchin’s office did not answer a question about the donation, and Van Hollen’s office did not respond to a request for comment.  
Many of the lobbyists working on behalf of the rail industry previously worked in the halls of Congress, now subbing their congressional staffer badges for a Norfolk Southern-stamped guest pass. So far this year, 167 of Norfolk Southern’s lobbyists are among the industry pack who used to hold government jobs. And some were even members of Congress themselves, like former Sens. Trent Lott (a Republican) and John Breaux (a Democrat). In one of their $60,000 Norfolk Southern contracts, the pair were among lobbyists speaking to Congress on an array of “regulatory issues affecting the railroad industry,” including the Bipartisan Railway Safety Act.

Three very important points
Worth noting are three important things. First, in addition to this blatant but normalized and routine conflict of interest mode of political operation, one can only wonder how much that ~$2 million in recent payments to lobbyists, corrupt politicians and corrupt political groups is worth to Norfolk. Probably at least about ten times that much, each year. The Intercept did not say what the return on its corruption campaign investment is worth.

Second is the fact that campaign finance laws requiring reporting of spending were necessary for this kind of reporting to happen. Without such laws, The Intercept would not have been able to get this data. Everyone involved in legalized corruption like this would simply not answer question from reporters or anyone else about how much special interests paid to whom, or how much recipients received. The public would know nothing about any of this corruption.

Third, prominent radical right, pro-tyranny Republicans like Clarence Thomas vehemently oppose all laws related to reporting of spending or gifts to anyone in government. The radical authoritarian's legal theory is that the US Constitution contains and protects an implicit, almost absolute right to private free speech. If that radical pro-corruption idea ever becomes the law, all of this corruption would go on in private. Everyone involved could say nothing or lie. The public would never know. Kleptocrats love conducting business in secrecy. The more secrecy, the more corruption there can be. 

COVID is probably not going to go away. It is going to keep mutating and threatening waves of pandemic. The Ohio State University newsletter discusses the situation:
COVID-19 virus is evolving rapidly in white-tailed deer

White-tailed deer across Ohio have been infected with the virus that causes COVID-19, new research has found – and the results also show that viral variants evolve about three times faster in deer than in humans.

Scientists collected 1,522 nasal swabs from free-ranging deer in 83 of the state’s 88 counties between November 2021 and March 2022. More than 10% of the samples were positive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and at least one positive case was found in 59% of the counties in which testing took place.

Genomic analysis showed that at least 30 infections in deer had been introduced by humans – a figure that surprised the research team.

“We generally talk about interspecies transmission as a rare event, but this wasn’t a huge sampling, and we’re able to document 30 spillovers. It seems to be moving between people and animals quite easily,” said Andrew Bowman, associate professor of veterinary preventive medicine at The Ohio State University and co-senior author of the study.

“And the evidence is growing that humans can get it from deer – which isn’t radically surprising. It’s probably not a one-way pipeline.”  
The 80 whole-genome sequences obtained from the collected samples were represented groups of viral variants: the highly contagious delta variant, the predominant human strain in the United States in the early fall of 2021 that accounted for almost 90% of the sequences, and alpha, the first named variant of concern that had circulated in humans in the spring of 2021. An investigation of the mutations found in the samples provided evidence of more rapid evolution of both alpha and delta variants in deer compared to humans.
So not only are humans not taking COVID seriously, e.g., not getting vaccinated, there is a reservoir of valiant patriots who harbor misconceptions about the disease and how to reduce the risk of spreading the infection in humans who might get sick and die or suffer long COVID.

Q: Where did all the shockingly deceived Americans come from? Did QAnon do it?

From the BKCs Are Royally Pissed Files: The NYT writes about the Biden administration starting the process of negotiating drug prices for Medicare and Medicaid under an evil socialist, communist, pedophile Democrat law: 

U.S. Announces First Drugs Picked for Medicare Price Negotiations 

The price negotiation program, established by Democrats as part of the Inflation Reduction Act, is expected to save the government tens of billions of dollars in the coming years

The Biden administration on Tuesday announced the first 10 medicines that will be subject to price negotiations with Medicare, kicking off a landmark program that is expected to reduce the government’s drug spending but is being fought by the pharmaceutical industry in court.

The medications on the list are taken by millions of older Americans and cost Medicare billions of dollars annually.

That is really going to make drug companies furious. We can expect a blizzard of lobbyists with hoards of cash to parachute onto congress so they can  get 'er done! while the public interest gets shafted as usual. It will be interesting to watch to see how long it takes before this pro-public interest effort gets corrupted and subverted by relentless, ruthless BKCs doing their business on congress. 

One can imagine that the radical BKCs that dominate the USSC might have to step in to save those outrageous reasonable drug company profit margins if suitable action from congress cannot be purchased. I think I can see some really great vacations for Clarence Thomas on the horizon.  

Drug company lobbyists 
parachuting onto congress

Supplies of drug company cash for congress 
and the Supreme Court if necessary

An incoming 2nd wave 
of lobbyists

Clarence T. anticipating fun evening soirees with the incoming lobbyists
 and their $$$, followed by some really great all expenses paid vacations!