Catchy thread title, wouldn't you agree?
I admit, I am stealing this question from another forum (no, not saying which one) where the simple question was asked: Are Americans stupid?
The reference was to those who still support Trump. So it was a biased question. I rather ask it in the GENERAL.
I find it difficult to say "a country" is stupid. Is Russia stupid because of Putin? Canada because of Trudeau?
BUT that is the general text we so often read when a country votes a corrupt leader or has elements within that supports a corrupt leader?
Does that make the country stupid? Some actually would say yes. In response to the above question on that other forum, 65.2% said the country is stupid if they continue to support Trump. THE COUNTRY is stupid? Imagine how that must feel to those Americans who don't support him being called stupid because there are stupid people that do support him.
BUT, there is more than the Trump phenomenon. How many Americans (vs people from other countries) refused to take a Covid vaccine? Or claimed they were harmful? How many Americans still believe in angels? The answer is 69%. Yup, 69%.
Are Americans stupid? Or is this just a disingenuous characterization because so many Americans act stupid?
What say you?