The new lie
A plastics industry propaganda campaign has flared up here. It is remaking the old lie about recycling into a new version of the lie. One can call it the Making Sustainable Change lie.
(but the arrow still goes in the same direction!)
These fine dark free speech proponents (liars) are the American Chemistry Council, Inc. and online at The website shows happy White Americans in their lovely, perfectly maintained big suburban houses enthusiastically recycling plastics in the front yard as many of us now do, but maybe with somewhat less enthusiasm and in the back yard. Not surprisingly, the website fails to mentions that after decades, about 91% of all single use plastics are still not recycled all these decades later. Inconvenient recycling data estimates like this from 2020 are 100% ignored, making that a lie of omission.
MRF = material recovery facilities,
a/k/a/ recycling centers
What the propaganda website shows are happy things like this:
30 by 30 sounds a lot like
Wait, that is evil socialist tyranny
Plastics companies are anti-regulations Republicans,
not pro-reasonable regulations Democrats
Wait, that call for more research sounds exactly
like the same propaganda delay tactic the oil, coal and
cigarette industries used for decades to block regulations and to
deceive the public!
This smells like a dirty trick
Wait, the private sector has bitterly opposed
calls for private sector funding for recycling
The polluters have always wanted to shift the costs
to consumers and taxpayers
Translation: The public is becoming angry and
getting better informed -- we need to try to get ahead of a major
public and political backlash that would ding our profits!!
Fire propaganda cannons!
Germaine succinctly summarizes the real situation to date: