Man oh man, did I ever put my foot in my mouth yesterday (Germaine knows what I mean).
It got me thinking. How often we do it. How embarrassing when we do.
Makes me think of big time and important people when they do it.
Trump does it a lot. But manages to shrug it off. Biden does it a lot. And we apologize for him.
Some is deliberate. Some is speaking without thinking. Some is reacting (as I did yesterday) without fully comprehending what we are reacting to.
Here is the irony.
It depends on who does it. We won't excuse it in someone but will excuse it in others. Again - thinking of important people. If a Republican says something - not asinine, just off the cuff and therefore silly, we have a different reaction than when a Democrat does the same.
Human nature? Or just laziness? We should think twice before speaking or reacting? AND how should we feel when we get caught with our foot in our mouth?
Ok for you, but not for me? In short, I know Germaine has already forgiven me (I hope) but how quick are we to judge others who put their foot into it without realizing that we are prone to doing the same?
Whether online, in real life, or in politics - especially in politics.