
DP Etiquette

First rule: Don't be a jackass.

Other rules: Do not attack or insult people you disagree with. Engage with facts, logic and beliefs. Out of respect for others, please provide some sources for the facts and truths you rely on if you are asked for that. If emotion is getting out of hand, get it back in hand. To limit dehumanizing people, don't call people or whole groups of people disrespectful names, e.g., stupid, dumb or liar. Insulting people is counterproductive to rational discussion. Insult makes people angry and defensive. All points of view are welcome, right, center, left and elsewhere. Just disagree, but don't be belligerent or reject inconvenient facts, truths or defensible reasoning.

Friday, January 6, 2023

News Bits: Are there any lessons from the House Speaker votes, etc.

Lessons from House Speaker voting?: What seems to be emerging is a split between a minority of Republican arsonists who just want to burn down democracy and a majority voting for Kevin McCarthy that wants to mostly continue with the current Christofascist agenda. The arsonists seem to be willing to wreck the entire system and then try to grab power in the ensuing chaos. If I recall right, one commentator (historian Timothy Snyder) described the situation as a bitter dispute between the mainstream pro-McCarthy gamers, out for power and wealth, and a minority of burners, who are out for total destruction of the current system.

As one can see from this video, the arsonists are unable to articulate a rational way forward. Even Faux News, which is mainstream Republican Christofascist, is unable to even talk with the arsonists. Apparently, they are waiting for the majority of mainstream Republican Christofascists to cave in to all of their demands. That looks to me like a war between mainstream anti-democratic Republican Christofascism and some ill-defined form anti-democratic Republican tyranny-anarchy.


From the Lying Republican Elite Liar Files: Recall back a week or two or three ago. Back then, I posted about Ginny Thomas who, despite being an Republican activist for decades claimed to be not interested an politics and never speaking with her husband (Clarence Thomas) about politics, elections, Supreme Court cases or anything else for central interest to her and her husband? That darned 1/6 Committee final report. It is just chock full of lies by shamelessly mendacious, morally rotted Republican elites. Above the Law reports:
Ginni Thomas read an opening statement to committee: “I can guarantee that my husband has never spoken with me about pending cases at the Court. It’s an iron clad rule in our home.” (both statements are lies) She said that Clarence Thomas is “uninterested in politics.” (that is a lie)

She claimed she did not speak “at all about the details of my volunteer campaign activities” (a lie) and that “I did not speak with him at all about the details of my post election activities, which were minimal” (a lie) she added “he was completely unaware” (a lie) of my texts with Mark Meadows.   
But of note is what her husband — a Supreme Court justice who had *repeatedly* refused to recuse himself on matters related to the 2020 election — was up to at that time.  
And the public is just supposed to swallow the tale that it is pure coincidence that Clarence has to adjudicate all manner of controversies that intersect with his wife’s interests — even before Ginni’s post-election advocacy made Clarence’s votes on matters related to the January 6th committee super suspect.  
But Ginni says she regrets the “tone and content” of her texts — but tellingly testified, “I’m regretting that they became public.” (that is true!) Because it’s not that she tried with increasingly desperate measures to overturn a democratic election, it’s that she got caught.

A constant stream of evidence like this indicates that Republican elites have fully normalized lying. This is what one gets when sacred ends justify immoral and illegal means. Apparently, there is not one shred of shame or morality left in most or any Republican Party elites.  


Democrats wake up to the immigration problem at the border: The NYT writes
President Biden on Thursday announced a far-reaching crackdown on people who seek refuge at the border with Mexico, dramatically expanding restrictions on asylum in the most aggressive effort of his administration to discourage migrants from crossing into the United States.

In remarks at the White House that drew immediate condemnation from human rights organizations, Mr. Biden said his administration would deny people from Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela and Haiti the chance to apply for asylum if they cross the Mexican border without authorization between official ports of entry.
If this is for real and Biden actually gets the border mess mostly under control, that arguably significantly increases his chances of re-election. This could significantly neuter one of the top two or three propaganda points the Christofascist right has been demagoguing for years to get millions of votes. 

It is not the case that the radical right is wrong about border immigration being a broken mess. It is a broken mess. Many (most?) of those asylum seekers are not asylum seekers. They are desperate people looking for a better way of life. One can sympathize with that. But this is a key issue that has fueled the rise of American Christofascism and undeniably caused increased overpopulation in the US. In my opinion, getting immigration under control is critically important for defense of American democracy, quality of life and environmental protection. 

As time passes, I like and support Biden more and more. I underestimated him. The problem is his age. But even if he runs in 2024, wins and then has to resign due to failing health, that is far better than having to face a president Trump, DeSantis, Scott or whatever other Christofascist liar that Republicans nominate.

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Complaints that fascist elites mostly right rely on to win rank & file support

This post has been on my mind for months. Exactly what horrors of oppression, immorality, tyranny and/or evil is it that has turned tens of millions of Americans into supporters of an openly anti-democratic, Christofascist Republican Party? For context, these comments from an article in the Hill seem to exemplify the mindset of terror, moral outrage and hate of Democrats and liberals that the American radical right generally seems to hold: 
Fox News host Tucker Carlson said in an interview released Monday that his “hatred” of liberals led to his inaccurate predictions of a red wave in November’s midterm elections.

“That loathing clouded my judgment,” Carlson told Charlie Kirk, the founder of Turning Point USA, in an interview released on Monday. “I was like, ‘I dislike these people so much. What they’re doing is so wrong. It is helping so few people and hurting so many. It’s so immoral on every level that I just want it to be repudiated.’”

“And I wanted that so much, not because I like the Republicans — I really dislike them more than I ever have — but I dislike the other side more,” he added, saying, “I did learn that, like, I have no freaking idea what goes on in American politics.”
I very much doubt that Carlson is being even a little honest here. For example, he probably loves Republicans because they make him rich and powerful. What’s not to love about that? 

Instead, he is a clever grifter, liar and slanderer who knows how to spin a false narrative that is loaded with virtue signaling to his audience. The lies and slanders are soothing and reassuring to his fleeced, deceived, radicalized flock. But at the same time he excuses a false narrative he sold to them to keep them fleeced, deceived and radicalized. That is first rate propaganda. Kudos to Tucker the fascist for sliming his audience so professionally.

One thing to note, Tucker like most professional Republican slanderers, doesn’t specify any complaints. Instead he relies on the tried and true propaganda tactic of slandering the left in in generalities, e.g., liberals are immoral on every level, and they hurt many and help so few. There is no specific complaint is leveled here. Just generalized slanders. The drivel that Tucker delivers to his flock is misinformation (intended to deceive) and malinformation (intended to harm). Little to nothing of substance is in it.

What are the complaints?
So, exactly what is it the fascist right complains of? Exactly what oppression, moral turpitude, evil, tyranny, etc., have those tens of millions of fascism-supporting rank and file radicals personally experienced? Maybe if the list of main complaints was made explicit, that would at least clarify what the fascists are constantly bitching and howling about. 

Searching the web suggests these are among the top horrors and/or persecutions that Christofascist elites and its propaganda Leviathan, e.g., Tucker and Faux News, have firmly convinced the rank and file they constantly suffer under at the hands of the evil liberals. Some poll data indicates that (i) both sides do not understand each other’s motivations, and (ii) both sides are deeply cynical about each other, with Republicans somewhat more cynical than Democrats. People are baffled. One woman commented about the Democrats:
The divide in the United States is wide, and one indication of that is how difficult our question proved for many thoughtful citizens. A 77-year-old Republican woman from Pennsylvania was typical of the voters who struggled with this question, telling us, “This is really hard for me to even try to think like a devilcrat!, I am sorry but I in all honesty cannot answer this question. I cannot even wrap my mind around any reason they would be good for this country.”[1]

COVID vaccines slaughter tens of millions: A recent Rasmussen poll comments:
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that (49%) of American Adults believe it is likely that side effects of COVID-19 vaccines have caused a significant number of unexplained deaths, including 28% who think it’s Very Likely. Thirty-seven percent (37%) don’t say a significant number of deaths have been caused by vaccine side effects, including 17% who believe it’s Not At All Likely. Another 14% are not sure.
Just like there is no evidence that the 2020 election was stolen from Trump or anyone else via massive vote fraud, there is no reality of massive human deaths from COVID vaccines. COVID vaccines are safe. Period. 

This horror is an illusion, not a reality. Maybe this is the faux liberal harm to so many that Tucker the liar had in mind when he slandered the left alleging that liberal policy harms lots of people. 

Liberal regulation of businesses is socialist-communist tyranny: Businesses and brass knuckles capitalists constantly howl that businesses are taxed and regulated to death. Republicans in congress, federal courts and the White House and their main financial donors loudly pound the table and gridlock the government to cut regulations and taxes in the name of the debunked horse and sparrow economic theory. For example, congressional Republicans want to extend tax cuts in their 2017 tax cutting and debt increasing law that are set to expire.

The elite Republican propaganda Leviathan consistently refuses to mention two major inconvenient truths that contradict this alleged liberal-socialist/communist horror. First, Republican business deregulations shift power and liberty to businesses, taking it from government and the people. For an obvious reason, that is something the elites never mention. What liberals want is not socialist or communist tyranny. They want reasonably regulated capitalism. What republicans want is capitalist tyranny with consumers and labor neutered as much as possible.

Second, deregulated businesses use their new found liberty to enhance profits without much or any regard for the public interest. The brass knuckles capitalist myth is that deregulated businesses will lift all boats and people and America will benefit from the horse and sparrow economic myth. That businesses seek profit with essentially no social conscience or concern for the environment or human harm is something else the elites never mention. They deny it when they are forced to comment, or just keep quiet when they can.

In fact, rock solid evidence says that the GOP and big businesses have successfully opposed and blocked nearly all environmental and gun regulations for decades. In the last two years, the Democrats have passed pro-environmental regulations over the objections of nearly all Republicans in congress and many or most of their big donors. And only recently has public opinion shifted to the point that some gun regulations are now being passed with some reluctant Republican support.

In other words, GOP capitalism policy is pro-business power and liberty, and anti-consumer-labor power and liberty. This complaint is almost as much a myth as the COVID vaccine myth.

Liberals persecute Christians, and intend to make Christianity illegal and impose tyrannical atheism on all Americans: These slanderous myths are straight out of the Christian nationalist (CN), Christofascist dogma book. I’ve posted multiple times here, e.g., this, on the openly bigoted, anti-civil liberties and anti-secularist theocratic nature of the CN power and wealth movement. The falsity of these complaints are on a par with the two above. Once again, a major Republican Party complaint is mostly lies and slanders. 

Some rank and file Christians complain that they suffer severe persecution, but exactly what that persecution is almost always fades into insignificance when the issue is pressed. Christians dominate federal, state and local governments, including the military, law enforcement, the courts and basically everything else. They howl about a business owner being forced to bake a cake for a gay couple or design a website for a gay couple as evidence of the severe persecution and dire threats they suffer. What a load of nonsense. They just want freedom to make money in commerce and at the same time the liberty to discriminate against anyone their Christian Sharia dogma says needs to be discriminated against and oppressed. 

Of course there are complaints about teaching about CRT or non-heterosexuality being evil atheist indoctrination or anti-Christian. Despite sometimes being badly handled by the left, there is no serious element of atheist indoctrination or anti-Christian dogma in those things. They are topics that apparently make many conservatives very uncomfortable. But that is not atheist indoctrination. When done properly it is history. 

I could go on like this, but this post is already WTL/DR (waaay too long/didn’t read). The point I want to make circles back to what Tucker Carlson was quoted as saying at the top of the post. The main thing that is tearing America apart and driving millions of people to support anti-democratic Christofascism is not mostly a matter of voter sincerity. In my opinion, it’s mostly a matter of voter ignorance and deceit, which is non-trivially present on both sides. But of the two sides, the problem is significantly worse on the radical right. IMO, there’s not major equivalence on this point.

1. Now that is some real cynicism. In my opinion, (i) most rank and file Dems and Repubs (about 85% ?), vote in sincere belief in what is best for the country, but (ii) significantly more Repubs are significantly more misinformed and malinformed than Dems. IMO, the issue isn’t mostly voter sincerity, it’s mostly voter ignorance and deceit (think Tucker Carlson and Faux News). The data in the two graphs is some evidence that supports that opinion.

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

News bits: Abortion wars could get super ugly, etc.

From the Arrest That Mailman! Files: An article in Politico discusses a strange legal defense the DoJ issued for people who deliver abortion drugs by US mail in states where abortions are banned. This one might wind up in the Supreme Court in the next couple of years. Politico writes:
The Justice Department has cleared the U.S. Postal Service to deliver abortion drugs to states that have strict limits on terminating pregnancy, and has offered limited assurances that a federal law addressing the issue won’t be used to prosecute people criminally over such mailings.

A legal opinion, from Justice’s Office of Legal Counsel, concludes that a nearly 150-year-old statute aimed at fighting “vice” through the mail is not enforceable against mailings of abortion drugs as long as the sender does not know that the drugs will be used illegally.   
“We conclude that [the statute] does not prohibit the mailing, or the delivery or receipt by mail, of mifepristone or misoprostol where the sender lacks the intent that the recipient of the drugs will use them unlawfully,” OLC chief Christopher Schroeder wrote in the 21-page opinion posted online Tuesday.
“There are manifold ways in which recipients in every state may use these drugs, including to produce an abortion, without violating state law,” Schroeder added. “Therefore, the mere mailing of such drugs to a particular jurisdiction is an insufficient basis for concluding that the sender intends them to be used unlawfully.”
One can easily imagine some creepy anti-abortion zealot-busybody reporting a mailman or mail-lady to the cops and the cops arresting them and charging them with murder or whatever crime red state law specifies. That a 150 year old law is at issue seems a bit odd. 

Anyway, the take-away is clear here. Don’t put labels on abortion medicines that get sent through the mail. That way the mailman cannot know what is in the package and thus cannot have the requisite criminal (mens rea, i.e., ‘guilty mind’) intent to establish criminal liability.


Moral rot in congress: In surprising comments, a Democratic representative in the House commented about the serial liar George Santos (R-NJ). Rep. Don Beyer (D-VT) said this: “He’ll get sworn in. Politicians lie. He may have gone a little overboard.”

A little overboard? Santos lied blatantly about most of the things on his resume. He brushed it off as just a little thing: “If I disappointed anyone by my résumé embellishment, I’m sorry. I will be sworn in. I will take office.”
Clearly, the profound moral rot in American politics is not confined to Republicans in congress. At least some Democrats are just as rotted, rancid and immoral. I want a third party in power with the other two left out as small permanent minority fringes. 


In a WaPo opinion piece, Jennifer Rubin writes about the GOP’s direct attack on House ethics:
Once they figure out how to resolve their leadership dispute (however long that will take), they will get straight to work disrupting good governance. 

Among their first tasks: neutering the Office of Congressional Ethics.

The OCE, which Democrats created in 2008, was designed as an independent office with the power to investigate ethics violations among House members.

Ever since the office’s conception, Republicans seeking to avoid independent scrutiny have attempted to dismantle it.

The MAGA majority’s current plan to gut the OCE is telling. As Norman Eisen, who served as ethics counsel in the Obama administration, observed, “When there is a change of control in a branch of our government, incoming leaders usually like to signal their commitment to ethics as the first order of business. But the new House GOP majority is doing the exact opposite. .... the Republican caucus is inviting more corruption in their ranks.”
Republicans in congress = deep moral rot, deep corruption & deep Christofascist theocracy. Or, is that assessment going just “a little overboard” as the morally rotted Democratic Rep. Beyer might say?


Abortion wars update: The Statanists are at it again: An interview with Lucien Greaves (at the Satanic Temple) updates us on the secularists’ fight against America’s bigoted, evil Christofascist Christian nationalist movement:
The overturning of Roe v Wade last June opened the door for more than half of US states to effectively ban abortion or restrict access to it, horrifying supporters of reproductive rights. The Satanic Temple – and many other observers – believe the decision of the supreme court was made on the basis of religion: specifically the extreme form of Christianity that has come to dominate Republican politics in the US.

The Temple has “seven fundamental tenets”, one of which states: “One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone.” This, it believes, offers a way around these draconian new laws. It is arguing that its members are exempt from bans or restrictions on abortion, due to their right to a “Satanic Temple religious abortion ritual”, more of which later. With lawsuits already filed in Indiana, Idaho, Texas and Missouri, the Satanic Temple is about to find out whether US courts agree.

.... Lucien Greaves, who co-founded the Satanic Temple in 2012, points to the success the Republican party has had in overturning Roe v Wade – a decision brought before the court through decades of lobbying and legislating.

“I get messages from people denigrating us for taking legal action to assert our rights, saying: ‘You can’t change the system from within the system,’” Greaves says.

“And I keep asking them: ‘What the fuck do you think you just saw happen? That’s what they just did.’”

“We have to play the long game,” Greaves says. “They spent generations doing this.”

Satanists don’t believe in Satan in a literal, demonic sense, Greaves explains, but rather as a symbol of rebellion and opposition to authoritarianism. According to the Satanic Temple’s website: “To embrace the name Satan is to embrace rational inquiry removed from supernaturalism and archaic tradition-based superstitions.”

“Right now, we have a minority religious theocratic movement, so entrenched in politics and getting away with whatever they want,” Greaves says. “Now they’ve got the courts on their side and everything – and they don’t need to bend to the will of the majority.”  
“It’s getting really frustrating now with the overturn of Roe v Wade, when people are still treating us not like we’re a minority religion – which we are – but more like, we’re just this kind of clever tactic that may or may not work,” Greaves says.

“That gets to be really tedious, because I think people aren’t terribly invested in the outcomes of the Satanic Temple’s lawsuits. And it shows that they don’t understand that the outcomes of what the Satanic Temple is doing have ramifications for everybody: all minority religious organizations, all different types of viewpoint positions that might be outside the Christian nationalist perspective.”
The article comments that the fascist American group Sovereign Citizens has offered a $100,000 bounty to the person who murders Greaves.

TST’s Baphomet is a pagan idol used in popular culture as a representation of the devil, with the head, horns and feet of a goat, the torso of a man and the wings of an angel

Here's the Sovereign Citizens crackpot lies and slanders notice from Dec. 2021 calling for Greaves to be captured dead or alive. It is getting dangerous for Americans to stand up for civil liberties, democracy and truth.


That Douglas Mesner A.k.a. Douglas Misicko and doing business as “Lucien Greaves” is hereby classified as a domestic and International terrorist along with his group known as The Satanic Temple, a terrorist organization that is advocating for the sacrifice of babies in their so-called “religious ceremonies”. Furthermore Douglas Mesner is WANTED DEAD or ALIVE on grounds of an act of international terrorism with multiple witnesses; against The United States of America, a Sovereign country under the Law of Nations. Members of the LGBTQ community were cooperating and were a part of the terrorist attack.

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

On the 3rd vote for House speaker

I'm watching the 3rd vote. The roll call is in the H's at the moment. 

One thing that is striking about what Scalise said when nominating McCarthy is that Republicans would pay great heed to the federal debt, the border with Mexico and some other unspecified Democratic horrors. Scalise laid out no specific policies that Republicans want. That is standard Republican Party propaganda. What the GOP wants is Christofascist tyranny and a shift of power and wealth from government and the people to the GOP and wealthy and/or powerful elites.

That is what the FGOP (fascist GOP) stands for but refuses to say in public.

Q: Is that analysis wrong?

Part of a 1/6 Committee transcript: What John Eastman had to say

The following is part of a transcript of questions the 1/6 Committee asked to Trump's fascist attorney John Eastman. The interview was under oath, so Eastman could be theoretically be liable for perjury if he lied. Eastman was the one who cooked up most of the legal rationale that Trump relied on to try to overthrow the government on 1/6. During the interview, he invoked the 5th Amendment at least 208 times in refusing to answer questions. That included refusing to answer questions about things he had previously discussed in public. Eastman's contempt for the 1/6 Committee was obvious.

For context, invoking the 5th Amendment allows a person to refuse to incriminate themselves in crimes or law breaking generally. The legal system cannot attach any inference of guilt from a person's refusal to answer any questions. Before he got in hot water, this is how Trump viewed people when they invoked the 5th Amendment:
Mr. Trump previously contended that invoking one’s Fifth Amendment rights was virtually an admission of wrongdoing.

“So there are five people taking the Fifth Amendment, like you see on the mob, right? You see the mob takes the Fifth. If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?” Mr. Trump said at a rally in Iowa in 2016, referring to investigations into Hillary Clinton’s handling of potentially classified material as secretary of state.
For obvious reasons, Trump is now an enthusiastic supporter of invoking the 5th Amendment.

From the transcript
Question: If nobody has any questions about the background of the witness, I'll just start getting into the more substantive questions. Dr. Eastman, in an interview with Larry Lessig and Matt Seligman on the "Another 25 Way" podcast, September 27th, 2021, you were asked about the memoranda that you wrote regarding the role of the Vice President in counting the electoral college votes on January 6th, and you said, quote, "Although I did have a client in this, the client, the President, the former President of the United States, has authorized me to talk about these things. I want to make that clear upfront," close quote. Did President Trump authorize you to talk publicly about the memoranda that you wrote? 

Answer: On the advice of counsel, I hereby assert my Fifth Amendment right against being compelled to be a witness against myself. And with the committee's permission, I will invoke this right as necessary in response to further questions by simply stating "The Fifth."  

Q: So is it your position that you can discuss those memoranda in public settings, but will not discuss those memoranda with the committee pursuant to a 15 subpoena? 

A: Fifth. 

Q: So is it your position that you can discuss in the media direct conversations you had with the President of the United States, but you will not discuss those same conversations with this committee? 

A: Fifth. 

Q: Dr. Eastman, you've not produced any documents in response to the subpoena, which is in exhibit 1. Why have you not produced any documents to the committee? 

A: Fifth. 

Q: Just so I understand, is it your position that the act of producing documents, as opposed to the content of the documents themselves, could tend to incriminate you? 

A: Fifth. 

Q: Dr. Eastman, did you use a Chapman University email account for any 21 communications related to the 2020 election? 

A: Fifth. 

Q: Dr. Eastman, did you use any other email account for communication related to the 2020 election? 

A: Fifth. 

Q: Did you send or receive any text messages related to the 2020 election using your personal cell phone? 

A: Fifth. 

Q: Do you have any documents regarding the 2020 election on your personal computer. 

A: Fifth. 

Q: Do you have any documents regarding the 2020 election on any server? 

A: Fifth. 

Q: Dr. Eastman, were you in Philadelphia in connection with your participation in a panel on federalism and separation of powers at the Federalist Society National Lawyers Conference that took place in November 2020? 

A: Fifth. 

You get the idea. It went on like this for a long time. Like Trump would think, did Eastman invoke the 5th because he was guilty of breaking a law(s)? Probably, ~98% chance IMO. This is part of the reason it is so hard to convict white collar criminals of just about anything illegal. Our system is heavily rigged to protect the wealthy and powerful. This exemplifies an important advantage that smart white collar criminals enjoy.

News bits: Some thoughts about bothsidesism, etc.

From the Faux Investigations Files: An article in Salon warns the mainstream media not to take the bait when Republicans in the House enters its crazy-go-nuts investigations of Joe Biden, Hunter Biden and every other thing they think they can turn into a scandal. Salon writes:
Dark Brandon strikes again! Republicans have been drooling openly for weeks now over the small House majority they will have in the new year, and not because they have plans for legislation that will improve the lives of Americans. Nah, the blueprint for 2023 is all revenge on Democrats, all the time. Republicans are still salty over House Democrats investigating Donald Trump for minor transgressions like attempting to overthrow democracy and sending a murderous mob after Congress and his own vice president. 

And, because Republicans have no limits to their pettiness, we can expect two years of taxpayer money being used to show off pictures of Hunter Biden's penis, excused with the vague pretext that it's necessary to investigate his "business dealings."

Republicans no doubt are aware that they look like a bunch of clowns when they do stuff like this, but they don't care for one reason: Traditionally, these antics work to bait the mainstream media into giving credulous coverage to fake scandals about Democrats. The gold standard, of course, is how the phony Whitewater investigation in the '90s took a winding road to the discovery that President Bill Clinton .... Even more preposterous pumped-up scandals have followed, from President Barack Obama's birth certificate to Benghazi, which became a national catchword, even though no one can really explain what was supposed to be so scandalous about it.

Republicans understand all too well the Achilles heel of the mainstream media: The cavernous longing for "balance." Journalists want desperately to be seen as objective and the cheapest way to achieve that is to present "both sides" as equally corrupt. The problem, of course, is that simply isn't true. Democrats, like all political parties, have their problems, and when they mess up or engage in corruption they should be held accountable. But their issues at the moment are a pittance compared to the endemic lying and corruption of the party of Donald Trump. One way for the press to achieve "balance" is to make mountains out of Democratic molehills — or worse, to cover flat-out fake or unimportant stories as if they were for-real scandals.  
It's probably pissing in the wind to write this, but I would implore the editors at the New York Times, CNN, and other such outlets to resist the bait. Just because Republicans cast aspersions doesn't mean they need lavish coverage for doing so. The role of the press is not to "balance" very real, bad stories about Trump and other Republicans with fictitious nonsense about Democrats. The first duty should be to the truth. And the truth is there's no equivalence between Biden and Trump, or, at this point, Republicans and Democrats, broadly speaking.
I think that Benghazi and Hillary's deleted emails should be looked into once again.


From the Treasonous Republicans Don't Care About Their Own Treason Files: Time writes:
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy spent the first two days of the new year trying to shore up GOP support for his bid to be Speaker by releasing a series of proposals aimed at winning over hard-right detractors who stand to torpedo his ascension.

The part of his proposed changes to House rules that drew the most attention was allowing just five House members to call for a vote at any time on ousting the Speaker; that would render McCarthy beholden to the most extreme members of his caucus, should he get on their wrong side. But buried in the text was another provision that could be highly consequential for the new Congress being sworn in on Tuesday: language that would effectively gut the Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE), as the independent panel faces pressure to investigate lawmakers who participated in the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.

Most significantly, McCarthy’s proposal would require OCE to hire its staff for the 118th Congress within 30 days of the resolution’s adoption, a requirement that sources familiar with the process tell TIME would make it exceedingly difficult for the office to have the resources it needs to conduct its investigations, given how long it takes to hire candidates for roles in the federal government. The proposal would also block OCE from hiring new employees over the next two years if someone leaves their position, sources say.

“Republicans get to take control of the House, and on their first day in Congress, they are not trying to take a hammer to the OCE—they’re being a little smarter about it—but they’re taking a scalpel to it,” a Hill source familiar with the ethics process tells TIME.
So there goes any possibility of Republican traitors investigating Republican traitors in the House. Too bad the Democrats didn't do it while they had those precious two years in power. 

Fox = Republicans in congress