
DP Etiquette

First rule: Don't be a jackass.

Other rules: Do not attack or insult people you disagree with. Engage with facts, logic and beliefs. Out of respect for others, please provide some sources for the facts and truths you rely on if you are asked for that. If emotion is getting out of hand, get it back in hand. To limit dehumanizing people, don't call people or whole groups of people disrespectful names, e.g., stupid, dumb or liar. Insulting people is counterproductive to rational discussion. Insult makes people angry and defensive. All points of view are welcome, right, center, left and elsewhere. Just disagree, but don't be belligerent or reject inconvenient facts, truths or defensible reasoning.

Sunday, January 29, 2023

En/Inquiring minds want to know...

Tell me something negative about the Democrats.  Non-U.S. people, tell us what you think from your perspective.

Are Democrats:

  • Too wimpy
  • Too nice
  • Too much “we” and not enough “me”
  • Spend too much government money
  • Phony balonies
  • Wolves in sheep’s clothing
  • Hate rich people
  • Other

What’s their “problem”?  Why wouldn’t someone vote D, rather than R?  Explain in as much detail as you can.

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Markets running free and butt naked; Trump fleeced his flock; Supreme Court corruption

Buyer beware: The NYT reports
On Trump’s Social Network: Ads for Miracle Cures, 
Scams and Fake Merchandise

Between posts about conspiracy theories and right-wing grievances was an unusual advertisement: a photo of former President Donald J. Trump holding a $1,000 bill made of gold, which he was apparently offering free to supporters.

But there were a few catches: The bill was not free, it was not made of gold, and it was not offered by Mr. Trump.

The ad appeared on Truth Social, the right-wing social network started by Mr. Trump in late 2021, one of many pitches from hucksters and fringe marketers dominating the ads on the site.

Ads from major brands are nonexistent on the site. Instead, the ads on Truth Social are for alternative medicine, diet pills, gun accessories and Trump-themed trinkets, according to an analysis of hundreds of ads on the social network by The New York Times.

Anti-vaxx cards, evil socialism, anti-woke 
insurance companies and other garbage

One ad for a $2 bill showed a fake tweet from President Biden calling for the Federal Reserve to outlaw the bill.

Unregulated capitalism, 
it can deliver lies 😱

Big companies do not advertise on that garbage heap because it would hurt profits more than enhance them. 


Fleecing the flock: The Guardian reports that $1 million secretly donated to the fake audit of the Arizona 2020 election came from Trump. That money came from donors to Trump. TG writes:
The identity of one of the largest benefactors behind the discredited review of Arizona’s vote count has been shrouded in secrecy. Now the Guardian can reveal that the person who partially bankrolled the failed attempt to prove that the election was stolen from Trump was … Trump.

An analysis by the watchdog group Documented has traced funding for the Arizona audit back to Trump’s Save America Pac.

Trump could have made it public that he gave $1 million to the audit. His supporters would have been fine with that because most believed the election really was fraudulent. Instead he engaged in an elaborate effort to hide his involvement. But, that won't bother many of his supporters. They still love the guy, even if he takes their money and lies to them.     


Supreme Court corruption alert: I feel some vindication about a conflict of interest allegation I recently leveled at Bush's former Homeland Security Secretary, Michael Chertoff. He was the radical right Republican that radical right Chief Justice Roberts put in charge of the Supreme Court "investigation" into who leaked the draft decision that obliterated the right to an abortion. It turns out that the conflict was far more substantial than merely political, which was all that was public at the time. Raw Story writes:
CNN is now reporting[1] that an outside agency run by former Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, with long-term financial ties to the court, did the appraisal raising questions of conflicts of interest.

Of concern are questions whether Chertoff's firm, which has billed the court over $1 million for various services, may be protecting the very justices who keep sending them business.

According to CNN, "The estimated payments to Chertoff’s risk assessment firm, for consultations that extended over several months and involved a review of the justices’ homes, reached at least $1 million. The exact amount of money paid could not be determined. Supreme Court contracts are not covered by federal public disclosure rules and elude tracking on public databases," adding, "The justices have long cloaked themselves in secrecy to the point of declining to respond to questions about potential conflicts of interest, or to reveal information about some court rules and ethics codes; or to release timely information about the justices’ health and public appearances."
Once again, the secrecy that the Supreme Court has long demanded and defended without any explanation, justification or publicly apparent reason is at issue. Given the unwarranted secrecy, it is perfectly rational, fair and balanced to believe that this radical right Republican Supreme Court is not only deeply corrupt and mendacious, but it is also deeply anti-democratic. Democracy and truth die in darkness, but tyranny, lies and corruption thrive.

Put another way, why give this Supreme Court one shred of credibility unless it publicly explains itself and backs it up with evidence? Of course, a solid majority of rank and file Republicans, and essentially all elites, solidly support this court because they believe it and they are winning and the opposition is losing. It is beyond unfortunate that few of the rank and file radical right can see that democracy, inconvenient truth and everyone's civil liberties are also losing. But the elites see it clearly and they love it.

1. CNN writes:
Exclusive: Supreme Court did not disclose financial relationship with 
expert brought in to review leak probe
The Supreme Court did not disclose its longstanding financial ties with former Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff even as it touted him as an expert who independently validated its investigation into who leaked the draft opinion overturning Roe v. Wade.

The court’s inquiry, released last week with Chertoff’s endorsement, failed to identify who was responsible for the unprecedented leak. The decision to keep the relationship with Chertoff quiet is a reflection of a pattern of opacity at the nation’s highest court, whose rulings affect every American.  
A Chertoff Group spokeswoman declined to address questions about the firm’s previous financial dealings with the court and why Chertoff did not reveal the prior relationship. She referred questions to the Supreme Court.  
Chertoff, whose financial ties to the court have not been previously reported, already had well-known personal connections to the justices through his Ivy League education, prior judicial clerkships and tenure in the two Bush administrations.

We all know why Chertoff declined to answer questions. It's the reliable KYMS tactic in routine practice.

KYMS: keep your mouth shut

Friday, January 27, 2023

The American empire in decline: Empire cannot face inconvenient truth

It feels to me as if the American experiment in representative democracy is coming to an unhappy end. In all of human existence and history, the norm for the masses of humans has been a hard life under a usually corrupt, immoral religious or secular authoritarian(s), limited personal liberties, poverty, bigotry, ignorance and intolerance with plenty of religious superstition mixed in. Things generally improved in the last few centuries, but it feels like the progress in America has stalled in the last 20 years or so and is now in reverse. In my opinion, America is reverting to something closer to the nasty historical mean than it has existed in America from about 1950 to about 2000 for many (not all) average citizens.

This feeling is not based just on the radicalization of America's political right, or the collapse of old-fashioned pro-democracy and pro-civil liberties conservatism. Much of the rest of the elites who mostly control our society and lives have impulses that to me feel ossified and increasingly corrupt and immoral in one or more ways.

Over at his overcoming bias blog, Robin Hanson writes about what I see as one of the dominant factors in American decline. That factor is moral cowardice and/or cynical corruption in the face of inconvenient fact, true truth and sound reasoning. From what I can tell, this is probably the dominant factor. The rich and powerful, for the most part, can either no longer face inconvenience, and/or they no longer care. Presumably that is at least significantly because they believe their wealth and/or power-fortified positions are impenetrable, even if civilization falls. Hanson writes in a post entitled Prediction Market Quotes:
A senior high quality person, who I trust, who recently spent several years trying to promote prediction markets[1], reports the following relevant quotes:

A G7 government official and advisor to their head of state:

“The prediction market experiment was a success, but we will not proceed with the program as it interferes with our ability to shape the narrative around the direction of government policy.”

A leading bank CEO:

“Your crowdsourced real-time risk radar is remarkable, but we will not use it here. The only person who tells my board about unexploded bombs in this bank is me and people who answer directly to me.”

A partner at a prominent US-based global management consultant:

“The objective truth should never be more than optional input to any structural narrative in a social system.”

A Ivy League Management Guru:

“The problem with prediction markets is that they are the irritating precocious young child, entirely unfiltered socially, and yet forever talking about the elephants in the room that it may or may not be appropriate to talk about.”

Perhaps you can see the pattern here.
I see a pattern there. If one can reasonably extrapolate from those few quotes (data points), refusal by elites to incorporate relevant data into normal operations is common, probably dominant, among elites in government, business and probably religion too. 

I am biased by my belief that America is in decline. Based on that, one can argue that my extrapolation here is based on too little data. But my extrapolation is based on a hell of a lot more than just those quotes.[2] Unless I am self-deluded, e.g., applying flawed reasoning, those quotes fit very well with most of the content of most of the politics-focused content on this blog.

What Hanson reports feels absolutely right. The cluster of inconvenient fact, truth and reasoning really is a (psychologically and socially) irritating precocious young child. Research by Philip Tetlock with his discovery of superforecasters supports that characterization -- rationality is irritating and unfiltered, unless one has one's biases, social loyalties and self-interests mostly stripped away. The child is entirely, or more likely mostly, socially unfiltered. That irritating child is not just forever talking about elephants in the room that are appropriate or not. It talks about everything it believes is appropriate, unless the crowd has been deceived by the elites, e.g., lied to, manipulated and betrayed by the massively-funded, radical right propaganda Leviathan the elites run at us 24/7/365. 

So when prediction markets have been corrupted by dark free speech, the elites blame the irritating child for being wrong. In fact, the child was probably right based on the garbage inputs it got. Garbage in, garbage out. Who puts out the bad garbage? The corrupt, immoral, lying elites who reject the prediction markets. Why do the elites do this? Because they believe that the irritating child gets in the way of accumulating more power and wealth for themselves at our expense. If one steps back and considers it, those closed-minded elites will be wrong sometimes. Sometimes that will hurt them personally, but usually not. 

In my firm opinion, what Hanson writes about is more good evidence of the decline of the American empire and its descent to something akin to the much nastier norm of past centuries.

Prediction markets (also known as betting markets, information markets, decision markets, idea futures or event derivatives) are open markets where specific outcomes can be predicted using financial incentives. Essentially, they are exchange-traded markets created for the purpose of trading the outcome of events.

Before the era of scientific polling, early forms of prediction markets often existed in the form of political betting. One such political bet dates back to 1503, in which people bet on who would be the papal successor. Even then, it was already considered "an old practice". According to Paul Rhode and Koleman Strumpf, who have researched the history of prediction markets, there are records of election betting in Wall Street dating back to 1884. Rhode and Strumpf estimate that average betting turnover per US presidential election is equivalent to over 50 percent of the campaign spend.   
Economic theory for the ideas behind prediction markets can be credited to Friedrich Hayek in his 1945 article "The Use of Knowledge in Society" and Ludwig von Mises in his "Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth". Modern economists agree that Mises' argument combined with Hayek's elaboration of it, is correct.
Betting turnover is the gross amount wagered by gamblers. One source wrote that for 2020, Biden’s campaign spent about $1.01 billion, while Trump’s campaign spent about $710 million. Based on that data, the prediction market for the 2020 presidential election was more than ~$860 million.

2. A close personal acquaintance of over 40 years with intimate personal knowledge of the operations of huge banks (huge, not medium or little) and their attitudes toward risk was constantly warning of systemic failure of internal bank risk assessments. My acquaintance kept warning bank management about unexploded bombs in their banks, and they kept telling the irritating, socially unfiltered child to shut up and fuck off.

Why? Because understated risk translated into higher profits. The profit motive caused false, understated assertions of systemic risk. Naturally, that allowed risky business as usual. Also because, the ultimate accountability for risk fell on taxpayers, not the elites themselves. After the financial and housing catastrophes of 2008-2009, Obama chose not to prosecute even one crook that caused massive damage to millions of average Americans. As far as I know, not a single person went to jail for what those capitalist elites did to us. Not one. 

Another group of elites in government treated another unfiltered child the same way that Obama treated the finance industry and other criminals. For that bunch, the irritating child wasn't even there at all:

Inconvenient truth, it's a bitch

Regarding the climate change denial industry; ~Ibid redux; ~Ibid double redux

Climate change denial really is part of the economy: The Guardian reports:
Google let Daily Wire advertise to climate crisis deniers, research shows

A media outlet founded by conservative influencer Ben Shapiro paid Google to advertise on search pages questioning whether the climate crisis is real, according to new research from a disinformation watchdog group.

The Daily Wire bought ads on search terms over the past year such as “climate change is a hoax” and “why is climate change fake,” meaning that when people Googled these phrases, stories from Shapiro’s outlet were some of the first results that appeared, the research found.

Google sold these ads even after announcing a new policy in October 2021 prohibiting ads that promote climate crisis denial. Its CEO, Sundar Pichai, publicly stated at the time that “when people come to Google Search with questions about climate change, we’ll show authoritative information from sources like the United Nations.”

“Google’s hypocrisy knows no bounds,” said Imran Ahmed, CEO of the US and UK-based Center for Countering Digital Hate, which provided its research exclusively to the Guardian. “They’re actually selling the right to climate deniers to spread disinformation.”  
Based on these estimates, researchers say that The Daily Wire could have spent almost as much as $60m on more than 150 Google search term ads over the past two years on various topics. These search term ads also included such phrases as “argument against reparations”, “bill gates population control”, and “why does george soros hate america.” More than a dozen of the search terms were climate-related, including:
  • ‘climate change is a hoax’
  • ‘climate change is a lie’ 
  • ‘why is climate change fake’ 
  • ‘climate change debunk’ 
  • ‘the real truth about wind turbines’ 
  • ‘is global warming a scam’ 
  • ‘the climate change scam’
The Google spokesperson would not comment on the spending estimate.
Also important here is the estimated $60 million that a single radical right, dark free speech website like The Daily Wire spent over two years. That is a huge amount of money for just one of dozens of similar radical right lies and slanders sites. When I talk about the radical right’s propaganda Leviathan, I really mean Leviathan. The amount of money being pumped into climate change denial, lies, slandering and crackpottery is staggering. By my estimates, at least hundreds of millions/year in money for dark free speech is going to protect tens or hundreds of billions in profit. 

For the sake of transparency, The Daily Wire was one of the seven big radical right websites that banned me in 2016 when I tried to engage there. That site is loaded with lies, slanders, emotional manipulation, crackpottery and an absolute intolerance for inconvenient facts, truths and reasoning and contrary opinions.

Once again, the capitalist moral imperative called profit pushes aside everything else that gets in the way, including inconvenient truth and democracy. At least for big corporations, nothing they say can be trusted. It’s called public relations. It is also known as dark free speech, or deceptive propaganda, lies, slanders, irrational emotional manipulation and/or self-serving/crackpot reasoning to some.

In cases of possible dark free speech, e.g., like this and just about everything else coming from radical right elites, corporations, politicians, ideologues, religious zealots, grifters, traitors, public relations firms, Mike Lindell, MTG, Boebert, Jim Jordan and the like, Germaine’s rule of thumb is this simple but effective free advice:

Distrust but verify if you’re in the mood, have the time, and 
can do it, but stay distrustful if you don’t, aren’t and/or can’t.

This is a pretty effective operating procedure. Not perfect, but pretty good. Sometimes some truth gets miscategorized, but no system in a complex system like politics that is chock full of dark free speech and corrupt money will be perfect.


~Ibid redux: Climate change denial really is part of the economy: The Guardian reported in 2019:

Revealed: Google made large contributions to climate change deniers

Firm’s public calls for climate action contrast with backing for conservative thinktanks

The obscure law that explains why Google backs climate deniers

Google has made “substantial” contributions to some of the most notorious climate deniers in Washington despite its insistence that it supports political action on the climate crisis.

Among hundreds of groups the company has listed on its website as beneficiaries of its political giving are more than a dozen organisations that have campaigned against climate legislation, questioned the need for action, or actively sought to roll back Obama-era environmental protections.

The list includes the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI), a conservative policy group that was instrumental in convincing the Trump administration to abandon the Paris agreement and has criticized the White House for not dismantling more environmental rules.


~Ibid double redux: Climate change denial really is part of the economy: The Guardian reported in 2019:
The obscure law that explains why Google backs climate deniers

When [former Google CEO] Eric Schmidt was asked on a radio show in 2014 why Google was supporting an ultra-conservative climate-denying pressure group in Washington, the then chairman of the internet giant offered an unequivocal response: it was wrong and Google was not going to do it again.

“The consensus within the company was that that was some sort of mistake and so we’re trying to not do that in the future,” Schmidt told NPR. People who opposed or questioned climate science were making the world “a much worse place”, he added, and Google “should not be aligned with such people”.

But five years later, Google still funds more than a dozen organizations that deny the climate crisis and oppose political action to try to solve it. Among them is the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI), the group that launched the notorious Cooler Heads Coalition two decades ago, a group of conservative and libertarian pressure groups dedicated to dispelling the “myths” of global heating.
For Google, providing financial backing to groups such as CEI and the Cato Institute – staunch free marketeers – has nothing to do with climate science, and everything to do with its effort to curry favor with conservatives on its most pressing issue in Washington: protecting an obscure section of the US law that is worth billions of dollars to the company.
The law – known as section 230 of the Communications Decency Act – was established in the 1990s, at a time when the internet was in its infancy, and helped to give rise to internet giants, from Google to Facebook, by offering legal immunity to the companies for third party comments, in effect treating them as distributors of content and not publishers.
Section 230, in effect, allowed Google and Facebook to be shielded from the kinds of libel laws that can ensnare other companies, such as newspapers.
The law has important advocates across the political spectrum, from Democrats who hail it as a triumph of free speech, to Republicans who say it has promoted free enterprise and innovation.
But now some lawmakers, including Republicans, think it might be time to revise section 230. The senator Ted Cruz, a Texas Republican, has said Google’s alleged bias in favor of Democrats means it is not a neutral platform and should not be protected from liability.  
Google’s decision to give to groups such as CEI reflects an attempt to win friends in Republican and conservative circles, and support those lawmakers on the right who are champions of section 230.
This is evidence pints to:
  •  The extreme radicalization of the radical right Republican Party and the fear and spending it engenders from any threatened industries, not just limited to Google and social media;  
  • The extent to which threatened industries will go to defend their profits at the expense of everything else, including (i) inconvenient fact, truth and reasoning, (ii) morality, (iii) democracy and civil liberties, and (iv) anything else that winds up being collateral damage in the endless ruthless capitalist war for profit; and
  • The fact that the Republican Party leadership is dominated by politicians, major donors and capitalist ideological zealots to the point that it is had become a ruthless, mendacious capitalist political force unto itself, with core moral values and policy goals being accumulation of as much power and wealth as possible, even if democracy, civil liberties, the Republic and the rule of law fall as collateral damage.
Q: Is all of this over the top hyperbole, lies and/or nonsense, or is there something here to be moderately to deeply concerned about?

2014 poll: 90% of webmasters/SEOs believe 
that Google lies to them at least sometimes
(These people ought to know because they live and 
breathe what Google does, not just what it says)

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Free tax prep; IRS publication 17 and taxpayer betrayal; The failing MSM

How capitalism deals with free tax preparation: ProPublica writes:
Under the Free File agreement, Americans who make less than $73,000 per year should be able to file their taxes for free with one of the tax preparation companies that partners with the IRS. But this program has been historically underutilized, with just 4% of eligible Americans filing for free in 2021.

In 2002, Intuit, H&R Block and other tax prep companies signed a deal with the IRS to provide free tax filing services to millions of Americans. In return, the IRS agreed it would not create its own tax filing system that could compete with the tax prep companies.

A government-run tax filing system, often known as return-free filing, is already a reality in many countries around the world. With a return-free filing system, the government fills out the tax forms with the information it already has, and taxpayers simply have to review the forms for accuracy.  
Switching to such a system would devastate tax prep company profits. That’s why Intuit and other members of the industry spent millions through the years lobbying to preserve the Free File agreement, particularly the part that restricts the IRS from creating its own free filing system.

That’s not all Intuit did to limit the scope of Free File. Intuit purposefully suppressed its own Free File product. It added website code to block its Free File page from showing up in search engines and used manipulative marketing patterns to trick customers into paying for TurboTax even when they qualified for Free File. It later removed the code.   
Internal documents previously obtained by ProPublica show these strategies were intentional on the part of Intuit and H&R Block.  
Following ProPublica’s reporting in 2019, the IRS reformed the Free File program. It barred companies from using deceptive practices to deter taxpayers from using Free File and removed the prohibition on the IRS creating its own tax filing system.
Once again, the public interest is shafted by (i) brass knuckles capitalism, and (ii) the government the corporations corrupted with their free speech, a/k/a/ “campaign contributions” and lobbying. The IRS or congress should have set up return-free filing decades ago. But it did not do that to protect needless, unjustifiable corporate profits at our expense. An immoral industry built on vaporware and marketing is what one can easily get when corrupt capitalist markets get to run free, wild and butt naked (unregulated).


Taxpayer betrayal: IRS publication 17 mentions the option taxpayers have to direct $3 or $6 into the federal Presidential Election Campaign Fund. The fund has been subverted by congress and/or the IRS. At page 14, Pub. 17 reads as follows:
Presidential Election Campaign Fund 

This fund helps pay for Presidential election campaigns. The fund also helps pay for pediatric medical research. If you want $3 to go to this fund, check the box. If you are filing a joint return, your spouse can also have $3 go to the fund. If you check the box, your tax or refund won't change.
Diverting funds from elections to pediatric medical research betrays taxpayers. The campaign fund is a lie. The same thing has been done dozens of times by the federal and state governments for decades. Taxpayers are told that money promised to go for one thing gets diverted to something else. Legislators usually do the diversion and they do it quietly. That happened to hundreds of millions that cigarette makers paid to settle state lawsuits. That happens to lottery money, which taxpayers are told will go to one thing, often schools, but then a lot of the money is quietly diverted to other things. 

Once again, the public is lied to and there is little or no blowback or accountability. 


Is the MSM, naïve, complicit, both or neither?: In my opinion, America’s mainstream media is in bad shape. Mandatory profit demands have sapped most of it’s professionalism and capacity to  report. It went from mostly news to mostly infotainment, with a heavy emphasis on ’tainment and light emphasis on info. An example that has been around for years is the presence of commercial advertising in news. The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine writes:
CBS’s 60 Minutes News Segment Was an Unlawful Weight Loss Drug Ad, 
Physicians’ Complaint Alleges

Pro-Drug Doctors Interviewed by CBS Received $100,000+ From Novo Nordisk

After receiving advertising payments from Novo Nordisk, CBS’s 60 Minutes aired a 13-minute promotion of Wegovy, the Novo Nordisk weight loss drug, during its Jan. 1 broadcast, making it appear to be a news story. The segment violates the FDA’s “fair balance” requirement for ads, according to a complaint filed today by the Physicians Committee, a nonprofit public health advocacy organization.

Four “news” segments promoting Novo Nordisk drugs remain on CBS’s site. The Physicians Committee is asking that the stories be removed from the website and that a corrective ad explaining the side effects and risks associated with Wegovy be issued immediately and distributed similarly.

“The 60 Minutes program looked like a news story, but it was effectively a drug ad. And there are FDA regulations on prescription drug advertising related risks and contraindications,” explains Physicians Committee President Neal Barnard, MD, FACC, adjunct professor of medicine at George Washington University School of Medicine. “Wegovy can cause digestive side effects and increased heart rate. Gallstones, pancreatitis, and serious drops in blood sugar have occurred, especially when Wegovy is combined with other diabetes drugs. There is also a risk for women who are pregnant or who may become pregnant.”  
“Also concerning is that Novo Nordisk’s political action committee has paid more than $250,000 in campaign contributions to members of Congress in an effort to pass legislation to make the U.S. government pay for Wegovy, a $1,300-per-month-per-person proposition,” Dr. Barnard says.
That sounds a lot like corrupt crony capitalism to me. The point of touting a commercial product in a “news” program is to disinform the public. That boosts sales and profits. This exemplifies why the professional MSM arguably deserves a grade of F. The partisan media, e.g., Faux News, has been proudly failing to serve the public interest for years. Its grade remains proudly unchanged. 

The likelihood of this complaint doing much is low. The CBS segment has already aired and taking it off the website won’t make much difference now. The sales job has been done.

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Thoughts on gun safety laws -- most are going to go extinct

The recent shootings in California raise the well-known issue of gun safety laws. The shooter in Monterey Park used a semi-automatic handgun that has been banned for over 30 years in California. The gun was also equipped with a large ammo clip, also banned. Since the gun and big ammo clips are for sale in some or most other states, California's attempt to impose gun safety is neutered. State gun safety laws are futile. 

In the last year or two Chicago tried to ban some hand guns to reduce the murder rate there, but the law was held to be an unconstitutional violation of the right to own guns. Republican propaganda portrays gun safety laws as mostly worthless, which is true. 

But, bickering about gun safety laws is going to be moot as a nationwide wave of lawsuits against gun safety laws work their way through the courts. A recent radical right Supreme Court decision renders almost all gun safety laws unconstitutional. That even includes laws that require gun owners to have a serial number on guns so that law enforcement can better trace a gun used in a crime. It is reasonable to expect that in the next year or two essentially all the laws will be nullified as unconstitutional. 

The court imposed a new test in the June 2022 New York State Rifle and Pistol Association v. Bruen decision. The test for constitutionality of all gun laws first asks if the plain text of the Second Amendment protects the activities the laws try to regulate. The second Amendment prohibits no infringement on the right to "keep and bear arms." That would seem to include any law that imposes any non-trivial burden on gun ownership, e.g., taxes on guns, gun licenses, gun safety training requirements, bans on any guns including machine guns, maybe bans on bazookas and stinger surface-to-air missiles (seriously, not joking), etc. 

Since the text of the Second Amendment covers essentially all gun safety laws, then “the government must affirmatively prove that its firearms regulation is part of the historical tradition” that set boundaries on gun use. Back in the 1700s, there were few, if any, boundaries on gun use. I'm not aware of any, but at least one must exist. So, the historical tradition of firearm regulation is almost non-existent.

For example, guns in the 1700s were not stamped with serial numbers. Because of that, a federal law making ownership of guns with serial numbers removed illegal was struck down by a federal court. Criminals and gun sellers rejoiced. They got out their files to file off the serial numbers of guns they wanted to use in crimes or to sell to the public. In view of radical right legal extremism like that, it is not rocket science to see that few gun safety laws are now constitutional. California's ban on that semi-automatic handgun and the ammo clip are unconstitutional. 

Fine home defense weaponry
"Nothing can match the lethality of the Binelli M4!"
(the top choice will blow you away
- starts at 7:04 of the video)