You heard it here first people. Tim Walz is not masculine. How do we know this?
Fox News’ Jesse Watters dismissed Tim Walz’s “masculinity” by pointing to the Minnesota governor drinking milkshakes on the campaign trail Wednesday.
He continued, “The other day you saw him with a vanilla ice cream shake. Had a straw in it. Again, that tells you everything.”
Walz used a straw for a milkshake. Fox News is absolutely right to attack his masculinity.
Straws, as all the bros banging plates around down at the gym will tell you, are the least-masculine way for a man to drink a vanilla ice cream shake.
Not clear how Tim Walz's masculinity will recover from 'strawgate'
More important, the sharp-eyed Watters absolutely NAILED Walz by noticing that he was consuming his vanilla ice cream shake with – and if you have male children in the room, make sure they don’t hear this – a straw.
Meanwhile, seems Jesse Watters missed this................