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Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Consumer products update: About the FGC-9

The NYT reports about the FGC-9 semiautomatic gun (a pistol caliber carbine) that is in growing use by criminals, terrorists and freedom fighters worldwide. 
He’s Known as ‘Ivan the Troll.’ His 3D-Printed 
Guns Have Gone Viral

From his Illinois home, he champions guns for all. The Times confirmed his real name and linked the firearm he helped design to terrorists, drug dealers and freedom fighters in at least 15 countries

In the past three years, this model of homemade semiautomatic firearm, known as an FGC-9, has appeared in the hands of paramilitaries in Northern Ireland, rebels in Myanmar and neo-Nazis in Spain. In October, a British teenager will be sentenced for building an FGC-9 in one of the latest terrorism cases to involve the weapon.

An online group known as Deterrence Dispensed publishes free instructions on how to build the weapon, a manual that says people everywhere should stand armed and ready.

“We together can defeat for good the infringement that is taking place on our natural-born right to bear arms, defend ourselves and rise up against tyranny,” the document says.

The FGC-9, Fuck Gun Control 9 mm, is made by 3-D printers and its at-home manufacture is not regulated, probably because it is not regulatable. Governments would have to regulate 3-D printers or the materials used to make the gun, but neither is practical and thus not possible.

The NYT thinks the gun's design came from a gun nut in Illinois called Ivan the Troll. The FGC-9 has spread throughout the world. It can use Glock magazines or custom 3D-printed magazines.

FGC-9 body parts
not a stud muffin or hot chick

The fine consumer products website, 3D Gun is all over this fine piece of machinery.

Discount product code: STAYFROSTY

Consider the near future, say ~2-3 years out in time. AI will be used to improve the design and lethality of 3D print-at-home guns. Presumably fully automatic AI-designed guns will pop up because of their highly desirable increased lethality. 

The semiautomatic nature of the FGC-9, along with its relatively low cost and ease of production, has raised concerns among law enforcement and policymakers about its potential for misuse. Yes indeed, there just might be a potential for misuse, e.g., mass slaughter of teachers, janitors, and school children.

Q: Is America's broken government** up to the task of dealing with the FGC-9 and home-made printed guns generally, or is this something that does not need to be dealt with because the free markets running wild and butt naked will take care of whatever problems might pop up (because free markets always solve all problems far, far better than any government ever could)?

** In particular, the mindlessly vehemently pro-gun GOP backed by gun lobby free speech (cash)