Yesterday, Alternet published an opinion (maybe paywalled)(reposted at, not paywalled) by D. Earl Stephens (formerly Managing Editor of Stars and Stripes) criticizing the MSM and the NYT in particular:
The real reason corporate media won't coverTrump's attacks on democracy
We need to talk about the abominable headline below, and how it is we have come to the fatal point where The New York Times and our broken mainstream media seem to need the America-attacking Donald Trump a helluva lot more than the America-attacking Donald Trump seems to need The New York Times and our broken mainstream media.
Aside from platforming maniacal, caustic headlines topping spurious content like the one above (which I promise to get to in a minute), this newspaper’s inability to spot the biggest news story of our lifetimes, and treat it with the heft it deserves, is journalistic malpractice, and a very real danger to our country.
The Times isn’t alone in its mishandling and disregard of the continuing attack on our country and its institutions that back it up. In fact, I can’t point to ONE so-called reputable news source in our “mainstream” media that has appropriately sounded the alarms, and given this perpetually breaking news story the treatment it demands.Why have they abandoned us, and the most important story in the world?
Our country has been under steady attack for nearly four years now. Why aren’t our newsrooms on wartime footing? Bare minimum, why haven’t Democracy Desks been set up in these broken newsrooms staffed with journalists who do nothing but monitor the Republicans’ movements as they ruthlessly defend an attack on America, and go about annihilating truth, justice, and our right to even vote?Backed by his morally busted political party, the son of a bitch means to finish us off whether or not he ever gets power again. He is the literal definition of a terrorist and/or an authoritarian strongman — a thug. He bows to murderous fascists like Putin, and openly revels in their success.Since that terrible attack on our Democracy began four years ago, our broken media has given us almost nothing but normalization and capitulation.
How else to explain this headline and the story it trumpeted written by one of the NYT’s leaders in its editorial department, Deputy Opinion Editor Patrick Healy:
What matters most? You mean, the safety and well-being of our country and its citizens from those who would attack it?
Of course it didn’t mean that ...
That headline and the one I lead this piece with above topping an offensive, ridiculous slice of gaslighting by the ultra-Conservative Rich Lowry of the National Review, were splashed across the pages of The New York Times on Monday.My only plausible guess for the mainstream media’s failure to cover the attack on our country, besides sheer and incomprehensible incompetence, is that they are hedging their bets. Trump has been undeniably good for their bottom lines, which looks to me to be the only damn thing they truly care about.
If Trump goes away, so does the money. And what of the millions of dollars of tax cuts he’s promising to once again give the owners of these pompous rags?
Otherwise, there’s no making sense of any of this.
Stephens calls the NYT editorial department "a dumpster fire of a news source." Alternet published that opinion yesterday, so it seems unlikely that the NYT editorial published today (my blog post earlier today) was in response to Stephens' criticisms of the NYT.
I agree with Stephens' analysis and criticisms. The MSM is failing to report the urgency and seriousness of the authoritarian threat that DJT and his morally rotted party presents to democracy. Stephens had the guts to actually call DJT a son of a bitch, a terrorist, an authoritarian strongman and a thug. He called the Republican Party morally busted, which I equate with my usual morally rotted label.