The problem
The problem with nuclear power isn’t safety or technical. It is mostly political. New generation nuclear power plants are designed to be, and will be, even safer than old plants still in operation. People are irrationally afraid of nuclear power. As discussed here before, humans are bad at risk assessment. This applies in spades to nuclear power.It will require political will and leadership to overcome the fear. The powerful and wealthy carbon energy sector vehemently opposes nuclear power for obvious economic reasons. The carbon energy sector speaks very loudly to politicians via their free speech rights (unlimited campaign contributions and political spending) and very loudly to the public via dark free speech, e.g.,
Natural Gas Industry Blasts Nuclear Power With Fake News : “The American Petroleum Institute has flooded the airwaves in Ohio and Pennsylvania with anti-nuke commercials by pushing fear – fear of higher prices and fear of radiation. Just the opposite of what is true.”