adjective: irreverent
showing a lack of respect for people or things that are generally taken seriously.
Put it down to being over-saturated by Covid 19 news, as IF there is NOTHING else happening in the world. OR put it down to having partied too hardily (is that a word?) last night.
In the age of Covid 19, Trump, Rightwing conspiracies, major angst and paranoia, sometimes we need something to chill on.
Alas, we shouldn't be chilling on Corona beer:

As for the TP problem, if Americans weren't SO full of

we wouldn't have to worry about TP hoarding.
So with Germaine's permission (after all, he is a very serious sort, that is, I THINK Germaine is a "he"), I would invite peeps to post something

Just to help us get over our angst and paranoia!