In my state, our response to coronavirus has made the situation far more dire than the virus itself.
The virus primarily kills old people, and quarantine is impossible.
So of course, being the brilliant tactician that he is, Jay Inslee decided to make it illegal for 50 people to gather anywhere in our state. Smart politics - the first thing to do when implementing a lot of bad policy is make it essentially illegal to protest.
Also on the chopping block, restaurants and bars, meaning a lot of the workers, aka renters are about to get evicted because they can't pay their bills.
And who is dying? People who don't work, don't congregate in bars, and don't have kids that depend on them.
The economic fallout can't speak to the real, family destroying power of these measures. With no end in sight of this moratorium on living the poorest among us will be hit the hardest and see no relief.
And the virus is still spreading.
What will be left of our state when this is done? How many homeless can we bear?
And more personally, what will I do if we lose our home, the first property we've owned in the states?
Pragmatic politics focused on the public interest for those uncomfortable with America's two-party system and its way of doing politics. Considering the interface of politics with psychology, cognitive biology, social behavior, morality and history.
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