So, when you have a segment of the population in “denial
mode” (hey, we’re politically used to that, aren’t we?!), how does the greater
society get through to them?
Sure, I get it. Youth
gonna be youth… until they finally aren't. I know
how they think… I was there once. You
have this feeling of invincibility. And
while a very small fraction of the youth that contract the virus will actually
succumb to its effects, they are the carriers and spreaders to the more vulnerable
populations out there. That’s a real, existential threat, among so many others with which we are having to cope.
A huge amount of people here in the U.S. are already on paid
leave from their jobs. Schools are
considering, and are likely to end the school year early, while they are figuring
out how to make up for it. Small
businesses, at least here in Ohio, are being ordered to, or are volunteering to
close, since there is very little demand for their services. Large businesses, such as Ford and GM, are on
Other than critical services (food, medical, Fire and Police) and planning-type
preparations and meetings, should there be a nationwide ban on excessive gatherings,
such as these recreational ones above? Like yelling "Fire!" in a crowded theater, is it finally a situation of personal
freedoms versus (losing out to) sensibility?
Give us your thoughts. And thanks for passing this OP along, via recommending.