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Friday, September 11, 2020

Book Review: Rage

Fauci: Trump’s “attention span is like a minus number”

This is a portion of a book review the Washington Post published yesterday. It was written by Rosa Brooks, a Georgetown law professor. The book was written by reporter Bob Woodward and is about his interviews with the president earlier this year. Some of the interviews were taped so the president cannot simply deny what Woodward reported. Instead, he has to explain away his lies and deep immorality. Brooks writes:
What new insights does Bob Woodward’s latest book, “Rage,” offer? We learn that President Trump is not the sharpest tool in the shed; members of his Cabinet consider him a narcissistic fool, devoid of empathy and incapable of distinguishing between truth and falsehood. Trump blithely minimizes the lethality of the coronavirus because he doesn’t want to look bad. He takes no responsibility for anything, boasts repeatedly about his wealth and genius, and shows nothing but contempt for those who happen to get in his way.

But we knew all this already, didn’t we? We already knew that Rex Tillerson, Trump’s former secretary of state, told colleagues that the president was “a moron” and that John Kelly, Trump’s former chief of staff, often referred to him as an “idiot.” We knew that other senior officials have decried Trump’s “amorality” and “erratic behavior,” and that Jim Mattis, his former secretary of defense, was “angry and appalled” by what he saw as Trumpian behavior that made “a mockery of our Constitution.” We knew about Trump’s repeated assurances that the coronavirus would soon “disappear . . . like a miracle” and about his “perfect” phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, which led to his impeachment. We even knew that Trump considers America’s war dead “losers” and “suckers.

The Age of Trump has been characterized by “shocking revelation” after “shocking revelation,” with the occasional “stunning revelation” thrown in for variety. Each new revelation is claimed to be the one that will end Trump’s presidency; each time, Trump blithely skips away from accountability, and his base remains loyal as ever.

Viewed in this context, “Rage” offers some fresh details and confirmation of old assumptions, but little that is likely to surprise anyone or change any minds. These incidents have lost their power to shock. What makes the book noteworthy is Woodward’s sad and subtle documentation of the ego, cowardice and self-delusion that, over and over, lead intelligent people to remain silent in the face of Trumpian outrages.

Woodward offers a detailed portrait of the president and some of his top aides. He tells us, for instance, that Mattis viewed Trump as “dangerous” and “unfit” for office, and ultimately resigned when he thought that Trump’s directives had shifted from merely stupid to “felony stupid.” For his part, Trump told White House trade adviser Peter Navarro that he considered his “fucking generals” to be “a bunch of pussies.” Meanwhile, Woodward reveals, former director of national intelligence Dan Coats took seriously the possibility that Trump was “in Putin’s pocket” and “suspected the worst” of the president. Trump, Coats reportedly told Mattis, “doesn’t know the difference between the truth and a lie.” Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, was no more complimentary, commenting privately that Trump’s “attention span is like a minus number.”
Brooks is correct to surmise that none of this will faze the president’s supporters. They are long past the point of concerns about the president’s lies, incompetence, blatant corruption, immorality, mental unfitness for office, and apparently, almost anything else bad. They are in full-blown personality cult tribal mode and living the alt-reality it confers on them.