Do you wonder if/when your mail-in ballot will be officially registered/cast?
For U.S. Citizens voting in the upcoming presidential election (November 3rd, 2020), this link shows the individual states' “vote-processing rules," and will give you some insight into what happens to your ballot once it is received by your Board of Elections.
Also, this link will help you determined if you can track your ballot and make sure it has been received and cast. (Once on that screen, click on the “After I vote can I track my ballot?” link to check out your state.)
And finally, this link will tell you whether or not you are a “no excuse needed for mail-in ballot request” state. (Once on that screen, click on the interactive state map to see additional information about your state.)
Thanks for passing it along (i.e., recommending) and for voting... (early!!).
Helpful hint: Bookmark / Icon these links, for easy future access. :)
Note: BTW, if your signature doesn't match the one on file, you're screwed! (and will have to take other action to get to vote). 😱