So far in the first few minutes (~55 minutes so far), the president and pro-Trump "moderator" Wallace are crushing Biden to dust. Biden is failing. Wallace lets Trump talk over Biden and Biden is unable to fight back.
Maybe this debate will play out the same way for the rest of it. Or, maybe it won't.
So far, Biden is a shitty, weak debater, while Trump remains a constant liar and an overbearing presence that Fox News Wallace allows. Fox and Wallace are clearly on Trump's side.
Trump is wiping Biden into oblivion.
Well, one can only hope that what appears to me to be Biden's failure tonight does not translate to a failure for most Americans.
I sure hope what I see is not what most Americans see. Maybe I am too critical or out of touch with average Americans. I sure hope so.
Advantage: Trump, his lies and his ability to talk over Biden
Biden: Wuss, unprepared, trampled and weak
I repeat, democrats do not know how to message. I've said that before and I say it again. Or debate. If Biden loses, it is his fault, unless Russians and the FBI intervenes for Trump again.
Well, maybe we're looking at another four years of Trump and the demise of democracy and the rule of law.
This shows how heavily tilted to liars and deceivers the playing field is and how hard it is for people who stick to facts and reason to fight back. The democrats are clueless. That is on them.
I want a third party -- right now.
Or, do I overreact as of ~55 minutes into this farce debate? Maybe the rest of this will be different. Maybe