Everyone is reporting that Supreme Court justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg has died. Now the radical conservative Leviathan comes alive and rises in its rage and self-righteous vengeance.
The hypocrite Moscow Mitch McConnell said in May of 2019 that he would replace any supreme court dead supreme court justice even during the 2020 election. He could not care less about his hypocrisy over what happened after Scalia died in early 2012. I've said it many times before, and I say it again: Hypocrisy does not faze hard core republican partisans in the slightest. Actually, hypocrisy doesn't faze many hard core republican partisans in the slightest, republican or not. For those folks and presumably most Trump supporters, this is about winning, not truth, consistency, facts or reason. This is about power and wealth.
I take zero pleasure in having predicted this outcome years ago. RBG was obviously very sick and I knew she would not survive any republican administration. She was obviously sick years ago and now she has died. Years ago in 2011 and 2012 people pleaded with her to resign, but she refused.
Now, there is going to be a rock solid 6-3 radical conservative white male Christian theocratic majority on the supreme court for the next 25-30 years.That will be the case even if the Federalist society tells Trump to appoint a woman or any non-white Christian of any or no gender. We are past that now. Now self-righteous conservative rage, hate and vengeance will ooze out of the federal courts.
Roe v. Wade is toast. Toast. Women living in red states are going to have to go to states that still allow abortions if they want one.
Will this focus the democratic opposition? Maybe. Maybe not. But even if it does, I would not bet on democrats doing anything significant, including using their control of the House.
Democracy, civil liberties and the rule of law are now going to see the wrath of republican hate and vengeance.