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Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Clueless Democrats & press, lying Republican Senators

Collins' deceit: It is 'completely inconsistent' that Gorsuch, 
Kavanaugh would support overturning Roe v. Wade

Most Democratic Party elites certainly look to be clueless about how politics works and what the Republican Party is. Just clueless. Politico writes:
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand said Sunday that multiple Supreme Court justices lied in their confirmation hearings about abortion, echoing the statements of Sens. Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins in the wake of the leak of a draft Supreme Court opinion.

“If a corporation put these kind of statements in their quarterly filings, they would be seen to be purposefully misleading and deemed fraud,” Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) said on CNN’s “State of the Union.” “I think they misled the Senate with the intention of getting their confirmation vote with the intention of overruling Roe.”  
Collins ignored repeated questions from reporters on Capitol Hill on Tuesday morning about whether she felt Kavanaugh had lied to her. "I put out a statement," she said.
As usual for Republican politicians, the KYMS (keep your mouth shut) tactic is employed to avoid saying something stupid to the press. She is an experienced politician. She is practiced at lying and deceit.

Gillibrand, a Democrat, apparently does not know that there are either no laws to prevent judicial nominees from lying in confirmation hearings or if there are laws, they are not enforced. It was to be expected that the Republican nominees lied to and/or mislead the Senate. 
What the Republicans stand for these days, shameless mendacity and deceit, neo-fascist laissez-faire capitalism and radical Christian fundamentalism, is not supported by most Americans. The GOP and its judges had to lie or mislead. So they did. That is a no-brainer. 

One can also wonder at the press is thinking or knows, if anything. Politico's comment that Gillibrand echoes the statements of Murkowski and Collins is inexcusable misinformation. It leaves the impression that they really did not think they were being lied to during the Senate vetting process. Everybody knows that (i) the Federalist Society picks only radical right Christian fundamentalist judges who hate abortion, and (ii) the ex-president publicly promised to appoint judges who would overturn Roe. That is exactly what he did. Everyone reasonably connected to reality and facts knew all of this. 

And what about the mainstream press and media? One expects lies, deceit and irrational manipulation from the Republican propaganda Leviathan, e.g., Faux News. But even the professional MSM keeps referring to Murkowski and Collins as moderate Republicans. That is simply wrong. They are radical right authoritarians, not moderates.

To be honest and professional, Politico should have at least pointed out that Murkowski and Collins are either lying or they themselves were clueless idiots about what their own party intended to do. One can reasonably believe that they are liars. Neither of them is stupid. Both are intelligent, politically savvy and experienced. They knew exactly what was going on. Pretending otherwise is an arrogant insult, but that too is just the standard poisonous, neo-fascist Republican attitude toward the American people.

Murkowski's faux bewilderment:  her “confidence in the  
court has been rocked” by the draft opinion

Question: How stupid do these politicians really think we are, or since this is tribal cult politics, it does not matter how stupid we are, because what we think does not matter?

What we want does not matter
What wealth wants does matter

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