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Tuesday, May 3, 2022

The leaked Supreme Court Roe v. Wade decision

Politico reported that a leaked document with a preliminary vote indicates that the court will vote to overturn Roe and leave abortion to the states. As Christian fundamentalist as this decision is, it could be a lot worse. The Christian nationalists on the court could have voted for a nationwide ban on abortion. That's what the CNs really want, as discussed here yesterday, but the politics of it are just too much Christianity too soon for where this tyranny of the minority wants to force America to go.

One can reasonably believe, ~98% likelihood in my opinion, the document was leaked to soften the blow when Roe goes away and the states with trigger laws impose immediate near-total or total bans on abortions. According to Wikipedia, the thirteen states with trigger laws are Arkansas, Idaho, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming. Those laws would automatically ban abortion in the first and second trimesters if Roe v. Wade were overturned. In other words, the Republican CN Supreme Court is now fully engaged in playing politics and using propaganda techniques to advance an agenda that the CN minority knows most Americans oppose. 

The CN movement will slowly wear us down, which is exactly what it has been doing for decades. That is the strategy. The tactics are constant, divisive, ruthless dark free speech. Democracy, the rule of law, truth, reason, civil liberties are all eroding away before our eyes. Unless voters wake up and oppose this by voting Republicans out of office, America will become a fundamentalist Christian neo-fascist kleptocracy.

Right now, it looks to me like the Christian fundamentalists are winning their no-compromise, take no prisoners culture war. The 2022 and 2024 elections will probably shed enough light for assessing whether democracy will fall to the neo-fascist Christian-capitalist kleptocrats. 

The New York Times writes about the leaked document: 
“We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled,” Justice Alito writes in the document, labeled the “Opinion of the Court,” referring to a second decision that reaffirmed Roe. “It is time to heed the Constitution and return the issue of abortion to the people’s elected representatives.”

The release of the 98-page document is unprecedented in the court’s modern history: Early drafts of opinions have virtually never leaked before the final decision is announced, and never in such a consequential case. And early drafts of opinions often change by the time the decision from the court is announced.

The fact that the leak is unprecedented is some of the evidence I rely on[1] to conclude that this is very likely the US Supreme Court playing politics to advance a social, political and legal agenda that most Americans oppose. This was an intentional leak for Republican and Christian nationalist political advantage. This is the face of the American tyranny of the minority that is attacking and destroying democracy.

Question: Will this wake lots of minds up to see the Christian-Republican Party threat, or are nearly all the minds that can wake up already woke?

1. Other evidence includes the fact that the Republican Party has fully politicized federal judges by requiring them too be, among some other bad things, Christian fundamentalist, anti-abortion, laissez-faire capitalist, and anti-civil liberties, especially anti-voting rights, anti-abortion, anti-same-sex marriage and anti-church-state separation.