GOP Voter Sentenced for Casting Dead Mom's Ballot, Said Election Not 'Fair'
An Arizona judge sentenced a registered Republican to two years of felony probation after she pleaded guilty to voter fraud in the 2020 election.
Former President Donald Trump and many other Republican allies continue to falsely claim that President Joe Biden only won the last presidential election due to widespread voter fraud. Despite their continued allegations, no evidence has emerged corroborating the claims. To the contrary, dozens of election challenge lawsuits failed in state and federal courts—with even Trump-appointed judges dismissing the cases.
Tracey Kay McKee, 64, was sentenced Friday by Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Margaret LaBianca after she pleaded guilty to the voter fraud charge in January, The Arizona Republic reported. McKee signed and cast an early voting ballot on behalf of her deceased mother, Mary Arendt, who was also a registered Republican.
Arendt died on October 5, 2020, just days before early mail-in ballots were sent out to voters, according to the Phoenix-based newspaper. In McKee's trial, the prosecutor played a clip of her denying her wrongdoing to investigators.
"The only way to prevent voter fraud is to physically go in and punch a ballot," the GOP voter told the investigator in the recording, the newspaper reported. "I mean, voter fraud is going to be prevalent as long as there's mail-in voting, for sure. I mean, there's no way to ensure a fair election."
"And I don't believe that this was a fair election," she added. "I do believe there was a lot of voter fraud."
Arizona's KTVK 3TV and KPHO CBS 5 News reported that prosecutors had called for 30 days of jail. However, the judge sentenced McKee to just probation instead. Her lawyer contended that jail would be too harsh a penalty. McKee cried as she apologized in her court hearing.
"Your Honor, I would like to apologize," McKee told LaBianca, The Arizona Republic reported. "I don't want to make the excuse for my behavior. What I did was wrong and I'm prepared to accept the consequences handed down by the court." It's unclear whether McKee cast a ballot for Trump, as she was not asked who she voted for.