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Sunday, September 29, 2024

MAGA mindset update; Pay-to-play politics updates

To remind us of what mainstream authoritarian MAGA elites think of the non-MAGA world, there is this:
Tucker Carlson Just Hit a New Low

The disgraced former Fox News host giggled and nodded along as Roseanne Barr screamed about liberals being baby-eating vampires—and insisted she wasn’t “crazy”

Comedian Roseanne Barr is all in on the right-wing conspiracy hype train.

During a leg of ex–Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s tour in Fort Worth, Texas, on Tuesday, the Trump-supporting actress echoed QAnon theories, insisting that Hollywood denizens are “gay as hell,” and likened liberals to “vampires” that “love the taste of human flesh.”

“You know they eat babies. That is not bullshit, it’s true,” Barr said. All the while, Carlson nodded along and giggled, seemingly in agreement.

In fact, Carlson prodded her to continue, echoing a similarly baseless and asinine theory that Haitian migrants in Ohio were eating people’s pets.

“It’s not just the dogs and the cats,” Barr said, not joking. “They are full-on vampires, and everybody still thinks I’m crazy. But I’m not crazy. They’re full-on vampires. They love the taste of human flesh, and they drink human blood. They do.”

Of course, according to Barr, Trump will be the antidote to all this madness.

“By the time we go in to vote for Trump, that he will open up everybody’s eyes and they will stop pretending to be asleep,” she continued. “You know what they say. You can’t wake people up that are pretending to be asleep. But I pray to God, please wake up. Even those who are pretending to be asleep with the irrefutable truth of what the worst people on this planet are really up to. They are really up to that. They’re doing it. There are so many victims. There are so many victims!”

During the same interview, Barr went on a tangent against liberals for accepting the 2020 presidential election results, clamoring that it was Democrats—not registered Republicans supporting the former president—who attempted to thwart the results “with their insurrection.”

“They overthrew the constitutional republic of the United States of America,” Barr said. “And then they covered it up with their January 6 bullshit. With their insurrection!”
There, now we have been reminded. And, Barr is not a comedian. She is a very nasty human being who is ignorant and a liar One can reasonably wonder if she takes pleasure in hurting innocent people who never lifted a finger against her.

Update 1: In Snyder v. United States, decided on June 26, 2024, the USSC legalized corruption of politicians, judges and others in politics. In Snyder, the kleptocratic Republican court overturned the bribery conviction of James Snyder, a former mayor of Portage, Indiana. In a 6-3 decision split, the conservative majority ruled that the federal anti-corruption statute, 18 U.S.C. § 666, does not criminalize "gratuities" or "rewards" which the court says are payments made to an official after an official act as a token of appreciationThe ruling distinguishes illegal bribes, which are payments made or agreed upon before an official act.

How it works in practice
Consider a hypothetical conversation between a lobbyist and a US supreme court judge or a US senator. Lobbyist says his client strongly supports (wink, wink, nudge, nudge, giggle, snort) a certain court decision or pending law, either of which would be worth tens of billions to the client. The judge or senator frowns and says, Well, I'll consider it but I have to balance my  decision with all relevant factors, including the law. As you know, my vacation plans (judge) or or my campaign (senator) needs three million to get things properly squared away (huge gassy belch followed by a gigantic belly laugh and slap on the back for the lobbyist). Then, the client gets what he wants and the judge or senator shortly thereafter gets a "gratuity" or "tip" for three million dollars for doing a good job.

So, if a person sometimes gets the feeling that the US government and the American radical right authoritarian wealth and power movement are corrupt, they would be correct. Our pay-to-play system is morally rotted with corruption. Authoritarian elites are in the process of establishing a true kleptocracy basically like what exists or will exist in Russia, Afghanistan and some African countries where China and Russia are both actively strengthening kleptocracy. 

Update 2: The AP reports:
Launchpad Strategies was incorporated less than a year ago and has since received $15 million from Donald Trump’s election fundraising machine.

For what is mostly a mystery. Campaign finance records indicate the limited liability company was hired to provide online advertising, digital consulting and fundraising. On its website, the firm boasts it is a “full-service Republican digital agency run by expert strategists.”

Yet, those expert strategists aren’t identified. An online contact form does not appear to work. And business registration records in Delaware provide no clues as to who owns or runs the firm. The campaign’s checks are sent to a P.O. Box in North Carolina.

An Associated Press review of Federal Election Commission records shows that more than $876 million moved through Trump’s campaigns and pro-Trump fundraising committees over the past nine years to six limited liability companies, including Launchpad Strategies. The filings meet the minimum disclosure requirements, yet the final recipients of the cash are unknown.

The $15 million paid to Launchpad Strategies is a fraction of the huge sums spent during presidential elections. But the lack of transparency makes it impossible to know if money donated by Trump’s supporters was spent wisely or could be personally benefiting the former president’s aides and allies.

The AP was not able to identify a representative for Launchpad Strategies from whom to seek comment. The Trump campaign did not respond to questions about Launchpad Strategies or the other such companies it has paid.
But the government agency that enforces federal campaign finance laws is unlikely to do much about it.

A deep ideological divide among the FEC’s commissioners has stymied almost 30 investigations recommended by agency lawyers of accusations Trump’s campaign broke the rules. One closed complaint alleged two of the limited liability companies were used to mask millions of dollars in payments to Trump family members or vendors controlled by campaign staff.

The FEC’s evenly divided structure and a polarized political environment have paralyzed the agency at a time when presidential and congressional elections are awash in money. The Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United ruling opened the floodgates of election spending and raised the potential for misconduct. Yet no more than three of the FEC’s six commissioners can be from the same political party, leading to frequent gridlock.
Notice how Republicans in government support corruption on a gigantic scale? That is a key goal for all three kinds of authoritarianism now attacking and destroying our democracy and civil liberties, i.e., (i) kleptocratic autocracy with DJT as dictator for life, (ii) kleptocratic plutocracy with its unregulated brass knuckles capitalism, and (iii) kleptocratic Christian nationalism with its brutal, bigoted and racist Christian Sharia law and its morally rotted, enraged wealthy White male Christian Taliban. 

That Republican radical right Axis of Evil is the unholy trinity that is rotting and killing American democracy, our civil liberties, honest governance and society from within. Power and wealth flows from us and our government to the authoritarian kleptocrat elites. More wealth for the elites means more power too. This is authoritarianism's trickle-up theory of wealth and power, and it is working quite well.

Q: Is America in deep authoritarian shit, very deep authoritarian shit, or just in a wee bit of a rough patch with hordes of liberal vampires run amok doing nasties like eating lots of human flesh, including lots of baby flesh?