Believe me when I say this: I really enjoy the back n forth on this channel. I enjoy arguing with those who disagree with me, because - most of the time - we do it respectfully.
Yet, I have made a decision about the upcoming week. I will NOT be present. Probably starting Tuesday.
What has irked me in the last couple of weeks is how much worse it has gotten and how much worse it is GOING TO GET regardless of the election results.
In fact, I don't know which will be worse........
Trump winning, or Trump losing.
A win will usher in weeks of machismo from one side, lots of gloating, rubbing salt into our wounds.
BUT can we honestly say, we won't be tempted to do the same if our side wins? Rubbing their noses in it?
I do attend other debate forums, and the vile has become more vile than ever. Especially around stories like this one:
Which garbage remark was more offensive? Pick a side. Never mind they were BOTH offensive. One side says their garbage comment "was a joke" while the other side says Joe Biden just "misspoke."
I have a question too for our friend Germaine. Have you considered posting any guidelines about election night or the day after? Reason I ask: refugees from other Disqus channels that could come on here gloating if Trump wins or making threatening comments if Trump loses?
Worse: Will we automatically attack anyone who celebrates Trump's victory, even if they are within the rules? I suspect we know better, but it's still a question worth asking.
I have - ALMOST - lost faith in the American people. But I also remain an eternal optimist. But I will NOT be watching coverage on election night, nor likely next day, I will even avoid turning on any Canadian news channels. Me and my lady have already told all we know don't be calling us with results. We will watch movies or some of our favorite TV shows.
I know - as pretty much everyone else here knows - that it is going to be ugly. Even to the point - dare I say it - where a lot of people, both out there AND on debate forums and social media are going to lose their cookies.
I hope that the regulars here and Germaine will understand my reluctance for being on here and I will probably not even take part in any discussions on my own channel.
I hope Kamala wins. I hope civility survives. I hope we can all move forward after this election.
I also hope I will win a lottery, and what are the chances of that?
Be back some time in the future, till then, cheers to all my friends (or otherwise) on here.