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Friday, November 1, 2024

Sam Alito: Knight of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George

Just when you think things could not get weirder, they get weirder. Above the Law reports on old but obscure news:

Sam Alito Got Knighted... Just Like The Founding Fathers 
It turns out Sam Alito hates the Constitution as much as you thought he did 

The Intelligencer has a story today that actually happened several years ago but — not unlike Alito’s Upside-Down Flag nonsense — didn’t register with the public at the time. As we noted last week, Alito has been taking expensive gifts — as the conservative Supreme Court justices are wont to do! — from a right-wing German princess, but it turns out he’s been cultivating more ties to the European aristocracy.

It turns out the last time Donald Trump was president, Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, author of the Dobbs decision setting women’s health care back a few centuries, added a knighthood to his own résumé, pledging an oath to the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George. The knighthood, bestowed in 2017, wasn’t widely reported at the time, but the order’s website was updated in July with Alito’s investiture on the front page.

May we present, Sir Samuel of Blackacre! We don’t know his sigil, but it’s meant to be flown upside-down.

Alito’s “An Appeal to Heaven” flag is a reference to John Locke’s argument in favor of a right to rise up against monarchists. Alito himself accepted a knighthood from an order managed by the House of Bourbon–Two Sicilies. The grand prefect of the order’s son is a pretender to the Imperial Throne of France.

Thank Dog for right-wing German princesses and the European aristocracy! Someone has gotta maintain law, order and sanity in America!!

Q: What is the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George?

A: The Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George is an ancient equestrian order with origins dating back to the time of Emperor Constantine. It is considered one of the oldest orders of knighthood, tracing its roots to Emperor Constantine after the appearance of the Cross at Saxa Rubra. The main purposes of the order are to propagate the Christian faith and glorify the Holy Cross. It is also involved in social welfare and charitable activities. .... The current Grand Master is H.R.H. Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Duke of Castro and Head of the Royal House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies


Order of St. George
Highest military decoration 
of the Russian Federation

. . . . . . Gadzooks!! Alito is a Knight of the Russian Federation!! Unleash the aristocrats! . . . . . no wait, leash the aristocrats!

St. George engaging the dragon

Alito's Appeal to 
Heaven flag