
DP Etiquette

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Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Blog note: The dam holding back radical right authoritarianism has fallen

Since the election, the topics for posting here has exploded. My limited bandwidth cannot come close to dealing with all of it. Dozens of articles are coming out daily and I just cannot keep up. The pent-up RRA (radical right authoritarian) dam has collapsed after decades of increasingly weak resistance. Democracy, civil liberties, the rule of law and honest governance are now facing their final assault.  Just one tiny example from today:
President-elect Trump is testing the loyalty of Senate Republicans, calling on them to allow him to make recess appointments to the executive and judicial branches without the advice and consent of the Senate.  
But Senate Republicans are extremely reluctant to publicly criticize Trump after he won a resounding victory on Election Day.
How much clearer can this be? That is a direct assault on the rule of law and respect for it. Are there any Republicans in congress willing to stand up to Trump? Probably not. And if they do, can they be re-elected? No, not under current circumstances. 

At this point, I am now confident that almost all or all of the predictions I posted on 11/6/24 about future events from the election to 1/11/26 will turn out to be right. As far as I am concerned some of them have already turned out to be right.

My current estimate: If the House falls to the Republican Party, there's about a 60% chance our democracy will have fallen by 11/1/26 to radical right authoritarianism. right now, it looks like there is ~85% chance of that happening. But, don't trust me. Here's the data as of a few minutes ago (posted 12:14 PST, 11/12/24):