Once again, a male dipstick with a gun comes on the scene, pulls the trigger and we all get to helplessly stand by and watch to see if it unleashes Armageddon or amounts to just a tempest in a teapot.
Yes, we all condemn the assassination attempt on DJT. It was horrible, vicious, evil, stupid and arrogant beyond words. One jackass with a gun was going to impose his desires on all of us according to his deranged intentions.
Is this going to be a non-trivial factor in the outcome of the 2024 election? Probably. My guess is ~60% chance it will noticeably help DJT at election time. Will DJT play the victimized martyr card? My guess is ~95% chance he will play it good and hard from now until Nov. 5.
But this is not going to stop me from criticizing DJT for being what he is, a treasonous, chronically lying, kleptocratic dictator and convicted felon.
What a fracking mess. One self-righteous jackass with a gun can cause so much damage. The rest of us in opposition who play by the rules can only go pound sand in frustration.
Some reactions
A couple of Peanut Gallery comments:
Peanut 1: Trump's own words on Jan 6 to Kevin McCarthy when he was asking for help, begging the president to tell the mob clad in Trump gear to end the violence. Trump blithely responded: “Well, Kevin, I guess these people are more upset about the election than you are.” I guess someone got even more upset than that.
Peanut 2: Well, at least Biden's age and his problems will be off the front page for a few days.
Peanut 3: Well Project 2025, there goes your bloodless revolution!
Peanut 6: Trump just won reelection.
Peanut 4: thoughts and prayers
Peanut 5: The violence he preaches has spread to someone with violent tendencies, and there you have it.
Peanut 7: Yeah, and the last best hope of Man on Earth just died. America was the hope of the world. It will not be under dictatorship.
Peanut 8: This was Biden's fault!
1. Is that assessment of DJT too harsh or unreasonably cruel and/or callous?
2. Will at least some Christian nationalist theocrats see this as a sign by God that God wants to protect DJT and his Christian Sharia plan for America?