The WaPo published some recent data on Dem sentiment:
At this point, it is probably too early to give much weight to polls. Some time is needed for the change to sink in. And, polls from the swing states (PA, MI, WI, GA, NC, NV, AZ) are probably the only ones that count, unless a major shift in sentiment from DJT to the nominated Dem candidate occurs.
Reuters reports that all state Democratic party chairs have endorsed Harris. The momentum seems to be in her favor.
As expected, the Repubs have started their brutal dark free speech attacks on Kamala. The degree of lying, slandering and crackpottery is as high and intense as a reasonable pro-democracy person might expect. Given how disgusting the morally rotted attacks are in my opinion, it seems counterproductive to repeat much or any of Repub filth here. I am inclined to mostly or completely ignore it. If there is useful negative information about Harris to be had, it can come from sources other than hyper-biased Repub liars.
Q: Is it better to know at least something about the Repub attacks and hypocritical sleaze, or to ignore it?