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Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Election updates

Maddow on MSNBC
Deep corruption: Last night, Rachael Maddow show made three disturbing but important points on her show. First, she reviewed the evidence that DJT does policy flips after meeting with billionaires who what a policy change from him. She pointed out that happened with Bitcoin, electric cars, TikTok and Anheuser-Bush regarding its evil "woke" Bud Light beer. In each situation, DJT did a complete reversal after a meeting with super wealthy people or lobbyists involved in those businesses. Basically DJT is for sale, as he has indicated in the past.

4-minute flip-flop video

Plutocracy: Second, Maddow asserted that billionaire Peter Thiel said that democracy is incompatible with freedom and he chooses freedom. Presumably freedom to people like Thiel means plutocracy with super-rich people like him above the law and completely unburdened by taxes, regulations, social conscience and any accountability for his bad actions and inactions. That is true plutocracy. For context, Thiel was responsible for getting JD Vance elected to the US senate via a $15 million donation to his campaign..

Election subversion: Third, Maddow played three video clips of DJT at three different campaign events telling people in the crowd that they do not need to vote for him in the 2024 election because he already "has plenty of votes." Maddow questioned why a candidate in a close race would ever say such a thing multiple times. Her interpretation of that strikes me as probably (~90% chance?) correct. She argues that DJT has no intention of winning the election by votes, but instead he plans to subvert the election itself. 

For evidence, Maddow pointed out that hard core 2020 election deniers have been put in key election subversion positions in several counties in some battleground states. Those election officials can prevent a state from certifying the state's votes by refusing to certify the votes in the counties where they can block certification. Maddow's hypothesis seems highly plausible because, (1) DJT tried to subvert the 2020 election via a violent coup attempt, and (2) those election officials have already been recalcitrant about certifying vote counts in their counties. Those officials need to be removed from office and jailed for treason.

"Free speech absolutist" and shameless hypocrite Musk
Multiple sources are reporting that Musk has suspended a pro-Harris X account after it raised money for her campaign. yahoo News reported:

‘White Dudes for Harris’ X Account Suspended After Raising 
$4 Million for Kamala Harris

The X account for the White Dudes for Harris campaign group was suspended on Monday, apparently just minutes after its debut fundraising event raised $4 million for Vice President Kamala Harris’ 2024 presidential bid.

Asked on his personal X account why the organization, which boasted over 13,000 X followers, was blocked, organizer Ross Morales Rocketto responded, simply, “Got Elon Musk scared.”

“The ‘free speech absolutist’ has now suspended White Dudes for Harris. Presumably for raising $4 million in a few hours. The fascists are terrified. Good,” wrote one verified supporter.

This is more evidence of the intent and tactics that America's radical right authoritarian wealth and power movement plans if it gains control of the federal government. Free speech is only for the elites, not political opposition or independent thinkers in dissent.

Peanut gallery commentary:
Musk is a frothing hypocrite who only supports free speech for racists.

We severely fucked up as a society if someone with a petulant 6th grader mentality has that much money and influence over folks.

It's precisely because he came into that much money that he hasn't had to develop any sense of maturity, civic responsibility, or basic manners.
Where are the right wingers that cry about censorship?
They lied about the left doing it so now they can pretend to be justified in actually doing it themselves. A lot of right wing projection is this way. That is literally the fascist playbook.