We have heard, and read, that nowadays political differences are driving family and friends apart. Particularly if you are a diehard Trumper and someone close to you is a liberal Snowflake. Or if you are a progressive you might have zero tolerance for Trumpers.
I mean seriously folks, they are even offering links to how to cope with family members who aren't thinking the same way you think:
My family voted for Trump. How can we talk about politics without ruining the holidays?
How to Keep Politics From Ruining Your Holiday
Post-Election Moral Family Planning for the Upcoming Holidays
Nah, I wouldn't suggest you delve into the links I just posted, I just wanted to prove a point. That we are now at the point in our discourse where different sites offer advice or suggestions on how to survive with a Family member or even a close Friend who voted differently than you did.
I would prefer NOT to prophesize, or suggest a course of action, but just speak for myself.
I DO CARE how you voted. That would go for any family or friends that might have voted for Trump.
IN THAT CASE, I would have to evaluate the nature of our relationship. If I value the love of a close family member or friend, I would still overlook how they voted. AND I WOULD NOT get into a debate about it over the Holidays. Some things are more precious than political differences.
Now I realize not everyone can be that generous. There is such a thing as A BRIDGE TOO FAR, and regardless of your feelings about this person or that person, if they voted for or supported Trump, that might be A BRIDGE TOO FAR. And NO ONE should judge you if that is how you feel. Just as NO ONE should judge you should you decide to stay close to people in your life who did vote for Trump.
For me, 'tis NOT the season for making judgments, but 'tis the season to enjoy those you are close to, put any differences aside, and you can always get back to bashing each other's heads in, in the new year.
HAPPY HOLIDAYS, AND Cheers all around.
One liberal SNOWFLAKE.