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Sunday, December 15, 2024

MAGA lies; Opinion: Congressional Dems are MAGA enablers

MAGA lies are coming coming fast, furious and shamelessly blatant. Some examples:

Tommy Tuberville said he has ‘paid close to a million dollars in Social Security.’ That’s impossible -- “Here’s the sad truth: the American people don’t have any confidence that they will see all the money they paid into Social Security over the years,” he said on Wednesday. -- Comment: His lies are a direct attack on Social Security and its alleged out-of-control cost. The only reason that people might not get back their SS payments is because originally Republicans, but now MAGA, have attacked and undermined the SS program for decades. They have tried their best to break SS so they can then claim it is broken and use that as an excuse to get rid of it. The goal is kleptocratic authoritarian. MAGA wants to shift power from the people and government to private interests who will gain that power and use it to fleece the hell out of people, leaving many of them destitute in retirement.

Trump lied about food prices. Now he says it's too 'hard' to bring down costs. There's not much a president can do to wrestle food prices down. Did you think Democrats just wanted to lose the election so they chose not to push the magic 'lower grocery prices' button? -- Comment: It was obvious during the election that when DJT claimed he would lower food prices that he could not do that. Now he admits he can't do it. It was obvious then and still is. But his admission of the lie won't faze most MAGA elites or his supporters, at least now for and probably in the next year or two. Maybe later it will sink in on some of the rank and file that food prices have not come down. But even then, most will probably either forget about this, or just blame the Dems if inflation still bothers them.

Time Undercuts Trump Interview With 2,300-Word Fact Check -- The magazine took aim at its honoree’s statements about immigration, vaccines, and gender transition. -- In addition to undercutting Trump’s claim about the number of undocumented immigrants currently in the United States, Time questioned his assertion that he “fixed” the border crisis after he was elected in 2016. Another eyebrow-raising remark Trump made came during a discussion of vaccines [MAGA's anti-vaccine crackpottery]. “The autism rate is at a level that nobody ever believed possible,” Trump said. “If you look at things that are happening, there’s something causing it.” 

Surprise! Key Witness Reveals He Lied About Biden Corruption -- Alexander Smirnov admitted he fabricated the conspiracy that Joe Biden and his son Hunter had made millions from a Ukrainian energy company -- Comment: Smirnov had been pegged as a liar back in 2020, but DJT and MAGA used his false testimony anyway to slander and try to impeach Joe Biden. The pressure on DJT and MAGA to lie and even fabricate evidence against people and entities they hate is intense and only getting stronger. Just like DJT and MAGA laid the groundwork to attack the 2024 election if Harris had won, they now need to lay the groundwork to (i) undermine what is left of political opposition, and (ii) blame anyone or anything but themselves as responsible for failures going forward. In my firm opinion, people who think that DJT and MAGA are not deep, cynical strategic thinkers like this are almost certainly horrifically mistaken. 

Enabling MAGA: Time to play chicken?
An interesting opinion The Hill published criticizes what Dems have done to help MAGA get away with its own gross incompetence, deep corruption and severe damage to society and government: 
If Johnson wants to do something that’s good for America, shouldn’t Democrats lend him their support regardless of whether his own caucus backs him or not? Shouldn’t Democrats act responsibly even when Republicans won’t? Surprisingly, there’s a correct answer here. And it comes from the field of addiction recovery.

For the last two years, Democrats have thought they were acting in the country’s best interests by helping Republicans govern. They have not been. They meant well, but they have actually been protecting voters from the consequences of Republican dysfunction and enabling bad Republican behavior.

Republican politicians are now addicted to drama, outrage and “owning the libs.” When you shield addicts from the consequences of their actions, you’re not doing them any favors. All you are doing is enabling their addiction.

The country won’t be on the road to recovery until it is allowed to experience those consequences. If that means giving free rein to the collection of clowns with flamethrowers that now passes for the Republican Party, so be it. Democrats should resist the urge to intervene when the inevitable happens and they set themselves on fire.  
For the next two years, Democrats have no responsibility to govern. They should focus on politics instead and take a longer view of the country’s best interests. If, for example, House Democrats had allowed Republican dysfunction to shut down the government in September, they almost certainly would have won a House majority in November. A few weeks of furloughed workers and shuttered national parks would have been a small price to pay for an effective check against Donald Trump’s plans for an American autocracy. Democrats should be practicing tough love and allowing Republicans to inflict pain on themselves, even if that also inflicts some pain on the country.
This isn’t to say they should let Trump permanently wreck America just to teach his voters a lesson — an approach advocated by some angry progressives. If there is an issue that could do irreversible damage to America’s future, then Democrats should be prepared to step in.
Politics as usual is dead. In the age of MAGA, congressional Democrats are resistance fighters, and resistance fighters are often called on to make difficult and distressing choices. Trump has a lot of things planned for America — foolish things, dangerous things, things he often promised but that many of his voters don’t want and never believed he would do. Democrats should not be enabling him by spending their political capital to make all this a little more bearable.
Now that is an interesting perspective. Clowns with flamethrowers, that's an interesting way to see MAGA. However, vicious, morally depraved, authoritarian clowns with flamethrowers is more precise. After all, we don't want to slander regular clowns with flamethrowers, do we?